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Class Introduction Prof. Aaron Jones

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1 Class Introduction Prof. Aaron Jones
W E College English S Class Introduction Prof. Aaron Jones A template for students to design a field trip to a location for other students to view. Includes directions to the student of what to include on each slide and what content should be considered. 

2 OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this course remains two-fold: firstly, the student will grow and gain valuable English language production skills that will allow for them to speak in a variety of practical and even academic contexts. Secondly, the class will push the student to use critical thinking to complete tasks and to speak in English. Better speak English Better understand English Become a global citizen Become more fluent Improve grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and self-expression in English Use English in the real-world

Attendance & Participation (20%) Assignments (20%) Presentation 1 (15%) Presentation 2 (15%) Final Exam (30%)

Classroom Participation means that you are always here for class When working with others, be respectful Try your best in class Assignments must be turned in on time Don’t be afraid to make mistakes! Classroom Attendance If you miss more than four classes without an excuse (i.e. doctor’s note), you fail the class If you are 10 minutes late, you will be marked as tardy If you are 30 minutes late, you will be marked as absent

5 CLASSROOM RULES Come to class! Don’t be late!
Use English most of the time. You can use Korean to help others. All work must be your own. DON’T PLAGARIZE! Copying other’s work, cheating, not citing sources will receive an F You can use your cell phone in class, just not for Kakao! Participate – this is one of your grades. Sleeping is not participating. Most importantly, have fun!

Work hard, Try harder, And make mistakes! If you are not willing to make mistakes and try, you will not learn English. You can use this type of slide for text, images, shapes and tables to help add information in a different way. Duplicate this slide to add additional images of important location in your visit.

7 TEXTBOOK Four Corners 2 Cambridge University Press, by Jack C. Richards and David Bohlke BUY THE WORKBOOK For example, Astoria Oregon is a town on the Oregon coast well know for its starring role in the movie “The Goonies”. Today, we will take a trip from our school to Astoria through miles and time…

8 PLAGIARISM Plagiarism is strictly prohibited in this course.
Plagiarism is when a person takes another person’s work, ideas, or words and uses it as if it is their own. It is plagiarism even if a student did not intend to steal it but just wanted to use it. If one wants to use another person’s words, one must properly cite them using APA citation format.

9 PROFESSOR CONTACT INFORMATION Phone: Website: Office: This building: 4-229 You can use this type of slide for text, images, shapes and tables to help add information in a different way. Duplicate this slide to add additional images of important location in your visit.

10 Let English open your mind to a whole new world!
THANK YOU Let English open your mind to a whole new world!

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