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Semi-Supervised Learning and Active Learning

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Presentation on theme: "Semi-Supervised Learning and Active Learning"— Presentation transcript:

1 Semi-Supervised Learning and Active Learning
2007/3/20 Semi-Supervised Learning and Active Learning Machine Learning Center Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Hebei University Bin Wu

2 Labeling the examples in the training set L
2007/3/20 Labeling the examples in the training set L Time consuming Tedious Cost consuming Error prone process learn a target concept based on as few as possible labeled examples

3 semi-supervised learning
2007/3/20 reduce the need for labeled training data semi-supervised learning active learning

4 semi-supervised learning
2007/3/20 semi-supervised learning

5 Semi-supervised Learning
2007/3/20 Labeled data set Unlabeled data set L h Select n (xi, h(xi)) n samples Labeling

6 Semi-supervised Learning
2007/3/20 Semi-supervised Learning Loop for N iterations Let h be the classifier obtained by training L on L Let MCP be the n examples in U on which h makes the most confident predictions For each x∈MCP do Remove x from U Add <x, h(x)> to L

7 2007/3/20

8 Active Learning L h Labeled data set Unlabeled data set Select
2007/3/20 Labeled data set Unlabeled data set L h Select (xi, c(xi)) 1 samples Labeling

9 Active Learning LOOP for N iterations Selective Sampling
2007/3/20 Active Learning Selective Sampling LOOP for N iterations let h be the classifier obtained by training L on L let remove q from U and ask the user for its label c(q) add <q, c(q)> to L

10 Common characteristics
2007/3/20 Common characteristics use an additional unlabeled set U try to maximize the accuracy

11 boosts the accuracy of a supervised
2007/3/20 Semi-supervised Learning boosts the accuracy of a supervised learner based on an additional set of unlabeled examples Active Learning minimizes the amount of labeled data by asking the user to label only the most informative examples

12 2007/3/20 Reference [1] Learning with labeled and unlabeled data, Matthias Seeger, Institute for Adaptive and Neural ComputationUniversity of Edinburgh, December 19, 2002 [2] Xiaojin Zhu, Semi-Supervised Learning Literature Survey, Computer Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madiso, 2005, [3] M. Hasenjäger, Helge Ritter, Active Learning in Neural Networks, [4] M. Hasenjäger, H. Ritter, Active Learning with Local Models, Neural Processing Letters, 7, , 1998 [5] Ion Alexandru Muslea, ACTIVE LEARNING WITH MULTIPLE VIEWS, the Degree DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY, FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, December 2002

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