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Welcome to Open House! 3rd Grade Mrs. Bailey-Martin Ms. Contrera

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Open House! 3rd Grade Mrs. Bailey-Martin Ms. Contrera"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Open House! 3rd Grade Mrs. Bailey-Martin Ms. Contrera
Ms. Davis Ms. Parker Mrs. Pride

2 Daily Schedule 8:50: Arrival 9:20: Morning Meeting 9:35: Math
10:30: ELA 12:25: Lunch/Recess 1:30-2:15 Elective 1 2:15-3:00 Elective 2 3:00-3:45 Social Studies/Science 3:50-4:00 Check out/Dismissal

3 Student Expectations School/Classroom Expectations:
- Good Judgment, Integrity, Kindness, Respect, Responsibility, and Self-Discipline Classroom Rewards: Class Compliments, Dojo Rewards Class Dojo Behavior Tool Contact your child’s teacher if you are not connected. STAR Expectations (See the Next Slide):


5 Homework/Agenda/Monday Folders
Homework packet given on Monday Includes reading and math Due on Friday In addition, students should read 20 minutes each night. Agendas Homework is to be copied into the agenda book. Parents sign agenda Monday Folders: Check each Monday Important Information and Student Work Review checked assignments with your child Complete required forms

6 Curriculum Goals-NC Common Core Standards
Common Core Standards (Click the Link to Learn More):

7 Math Big Topics: Multiplication and Division Area and Perimeter
Fractions Go to our website for more curriculum information.

8 English Language Arts New Reading Curriculum: EL Education (Click the link below to learn more): 4 Module topics: Overcoming Challenges Frogs Peter Pan Water Integrates reading and writing

9 Science Bones, Skin, and Muscles Matter Force and Motion
Earth in the Solar System Earth’s Land and Water Plants on Earth *(hands-on/journaling)

10 Social Studies Civics and Governments History and Culture
Geography and Environmental Literacy Economics and Financial Literacy

11 Specials Friday Specials Band Dance Art Music Drama Orchestra PE

Field Trips Walk to Legislative Building, Old Capitol and Museums OakView County Park Morhead Planetarium at WES YOU MUST HAVE VOLUNTEER CLEARANCE TO PARTICIPATE

13 Testing Beginning of Grade test (9/12/17) Academically Gifted Testing:
COGAT   (October) ITBS  (December) Mr. Bastin with additional testing as needed End of Grade Testing (end of May) Reading and Math Read to Achieve (Click the Link to Read More About RTA):

14 Conferences End of 1st Quarter and 3rd Quarter 20 Minute Meetings
Normally Scheduled Before/After School/Teacher’s Planning times Look for sign up in Monday Folders/ /Class Dojo Conferences can be scheduled on an as need basis

15 Thank you very much for coming!
For More Information About What Students Will Be Learning/Doing This Year And Ways That You Can Help At Home, please visit our Third Grade Parent Website Regularly. Click The Link Below. Thank you very much for coming!

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