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The Leader in Warfare Systems Development and Integration

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1 The Leader in Warfare Systems Development and Integration
NSWCDD: The Leader in Warfare Systems Development and Integration CAPT Godfrey Weekes Commanding Officer Mr. John Fiore, SES Technical Director Distribution A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 1

2 The Leader in Warfare Systems Development and Integration
NSWCDD DNA: The Leader in Warfare Systems Development and Integration Dr. Marty Irvine, SSTM Head, Readiness & Training Systems Department CDR Hoffman Commanding Officer Distribution A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 2

3 Ensuring Warfare Systems Superiority for the Warfighter
AFCEA Hampton Roads Chapter Luncheon 27 March 2019 Dr. Marty Irvine, SSTM Head, Readiness & Training Systems Department NSWCDD Dam Neck Activity Ensuring Warfare Systems Superiority for the Warfighter Distribution A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited

4 Department Organizational Structure Departmental Mission/Vision
Agenda Department Organizational Structure Departmental Mission/Vision Departmental Overview Core Competencies Divisions Pending/Upcoming Opportunities Summary Warfare Centers are part of the Naval Research & Development Establishment (NR&DE), along with NAVAIR, SPAWAR, ONR, and NRL. The NR&DE is comprised of 20 commands whose missions are principally focused on research and development. The USS Secure is a good example of how we collaborate across the centers by being able to virtually connect systems in a test environment. Size of the Warfare Centers’ workforce is based on the funded workload. We perform work our industry partners can’t, won’t or shouldn’t do. For us here we see it as part of being Navy Wise and technically smart Distribution A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 4

5 Deputy Department Head (R02)
Readiness & Training Systems Department Updated January 2019 Department Head (R) (A) - Acting (V) - Vacant/TBD * - Add’l Responsibility but not assigned Code + - Contractor Cross-Site Not Direct Report Military Applications Officer (R01) Deputy Department Head (R02) Executive Assistant (R09) Dam Neck, VA DEPARTMENT OPERATIONS Business Office (R03) Acquisition Team (R03A) TDAA (R0C) Information Officer (R0I) TECHNICAL STAFF Chief Engineer (R04) Chief Scientist (R04S) Readiness Program Office (R05) Strategic Operations (R06) C6ISR Systems R10 Integrated Training Systems R20 Combat Systems Readiness R30 Systems Safety Engineering R40 Special Technologies (R11) Systems Assessment (R12) Cybersecurity Engineering & Readiness (R13) Training & Readiness (R21) Tactical Support Engineering (R22) Distributed Training (R23) Combat Systems Support (R31) Sensor Distribution Sys & Fleet Support (R32) Surface Ship ASW Systems Support (R33) Combat Systems Software Installation & Integration (R34) Combat Systems Software Readiness & Sustainment (R35) Engagement Systems Safety (R41) Combat Systems Safety (R42) Platform Systems Integration Safety (R43) Technology Integration Safety (R44) Distribution A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 5

6 Focusing on Systems Engineering and Research & Development
R Department Mission/Vision Mission Statement: Deliver operationally ready and relevant systems for Naval Warfighters. Through innovation and rigorous systems engineering, we provide timely, safe and cost-effective solutions to support the Naval Warfighter. C6ISR Systems Engineering - focused on the research, development, test and evaluation (RDT&E) and acquisition of capable cyber resilient warfighting options. Integrated Training Systems - focused on designing, developing, and sustaining training systems for the Naval, Joint, and Coalition warfighter. Combat Systems Readiness - focused on providing engineering, acquisition, life cycle support and Fleet readiness solutions for Naval warfare systems. Systems Safety Engineering - focused on analyzing, predicting, assessing, and mitigating the potential of harm to personnel, equipment and the environment through the rigorous and independent practice of systems safety engineering in all phases of acquisition. Vision Statement: To be the recognized R&D and engineering leader for developing threat-driven solutions for the Naval Warfighter and the Fleet. Focusing on Systems Engineering and Research & Development Distribution A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited

7 Focusing on Systems Engineering and Research & Development
R Department Strategic Thrusts Data Analytics & Decision Science Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality Remote Readiness Modeling & Simulation Digital Engineering Focusing on Systems Engineering and Research & Development Distribution A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 7 7

8 Deliver Operationally Ready and Relevant Systems for Naval Warfighters
Readiness and Training Systems Department Deliver Operationally Ready and Relevant Systems for Naval Warfighters Work Execution Strategy C6ISR Systems Engineering Integrated Training Systems Combat Systems Readiness Systems Safety Engineering Four Business Areas Achieve Cyber Resiliency and Battlespace Awareness Train Naval Warfighters Maintain Combat Systems Effectiveness Operate Safely Naval Focused Value Department Level Focus Organizational Project Management Technical Rigor Common Processes Division Level Focus Workforce Management Project Management Facility Stewardship Process Improvement Systems Engineering Life Cycle Engineering System Integration Hardware Engineering Software Development Test & Evaluation Integrated Logistics Network Engineering Cybersecurity Engineering Modeling & Simulation Systems Safety Advancing Technologies to Improve Fleet Readiness Distribution A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 8

9 NSWC DNA / R Department History
1963 1971 1992 2000 2018 Present Fleet Combat Direction Systems Support Activity (FCDSSA) East Coast Operations Combat Direction Systems Activity Dam Neck Activity Fleet Computer Programming Center Command Detachment NSWC PHD Command NSWC DD COMTRALANT (63-69) CINCLANTFLT (69-71) Bldg 127S construction First addition Taylor Hall 1984 Hopper Hall 1994 2000 CDSA Command Established 2000 CDSA Aligned with NSWC DD as Echelon 5 2014 SSTM DH 2016 NSWC DD Realignment 1991 BRAC – Naval Sea Combat Systems Engineering Station (SEABAT) Integrated 1992 FCDSSA becomes Detachment under PHD 1995 BRAC – In-Service Engineering East Coast Detachment (NISEAST) (1998) Integrated LAB REALIGNMENT (OVER D 92) Naval mine warfare and engineering activity NMWEA & SEABAT to come to Dam Neck All parts of PHD in Naval Surface Warfare center BRAC 93 NMWEA goes to Panama City SEABAT to Naval Undersea Warfare Center, Newport, RI SEABAT Engineers on board BRAC 95 BRAC’ed to the Fleet Combat Training Center Retained alignment with PHD as detachment (East Coast Ops Dam Neck Detachment, PHD) NISEAST ONI/CNSG Engineers on board Warfighter Support Rapid Engineering Integrated Training (Naval, Joint, Coalition) M&S: Radar Environment Simulation Systems Battle Force Tactical Training AEA/SIA: Combat Systems (SSDS) Radar Distribution Systems (ASDS) T&E: TADIL, CEC, Live Exercises Special Sensors System Safety Cyber Develop, Field, & Maintain Computer Programs RESS Radar Environment Simulator System ERESS Enhanced Radar Environmental Simulation System Combat Systems NTDS Model 4 Integrated Training Systems Networked Sensors and Systems Interoperability Readiness Safety, Cyber Readiness Software Engineering Hardware Engineering Systems Engineering Distribution A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 9

10 Readiness and Training Systems Department (R)
Strategic Workforce Deployment California San Diego & Oceanside Maine Bath Mississippi Pascagoula Florida Mayport Alabama Mobile Washington Everett Wisconsin Marinette Virginia Norfolk, Chesapeake, Newport News, Suffolk, Virginia Beach, & Wallops Island Readiness and Training Systems Department (R) Dam Neck & Dahlgren C6ISR Systems Integrated Training Systems Combat Systems Readiness Systems Safety Engineering The Dahlgren Division is a naval Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E) institution founded in Naval Warfare, focused to meet the needs of the Department of Navy (DoN), which also supports Joint and National initiatives that have naval implications. Our Role: Help the Navy determine and develop the capabilities it needs. We play an Integral part in the decision-making process as technical advisors. Verify the quality, safety, and effective of the Navy’s ships and systems utilizing rigorous systems engineering processes. Help design, develop and field solutions for urgent operational Fleet needs.. We pride ourselves on our ability to deliver an array of responsive options and service for Fleet needs. Work closely with the warfighter to fully understand operational challenges and requirements. Provide a bridge between warfighters and the technical community. We work with the fleet to understand their operational needs and translate them into requirements that the technical community can understand. This critical linkage results in delivery of effective, affordable and timely warfighting capabilities to our men and women in uniform. Distribution A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 10

11 Engineering & Readiness
R10 C6ISR Systems Division R10 Vision To be a recognized leader and premier engineering organization focused on solving technological challenges that eliminate weaknesses and improve the resiliency of Maritime based Warfare Systems R11 Special Technologies Branch R12 Systems Assessment Branch R13 Cybersecurity Engineering & Readiness Branch Mission To provide engineering expertise and knowledge of advanced technologies to provide Signals Intelligence collection capabilities for maritime based warfare systems. To provide engineering services to test, analyze, design, develop and assess systems to eliminate vulnerabilities and improve the resiliency of Naval Warfare Systems within a Network Centric environment. To provide Cybersecurity Engineering and Analysis capabilities to ensure the security of Maritime-based Warfare Systems operating within the cyber domain. Products Products Products ELINT Systems COMINT Systems Specialized SIGINT Systems Foreign Operations SIGINT Systems ILS products Prototyping Engineering Engineering Design & Development Network/Communication Systems/ Wireless Technologies Products for Harsh Environments Combat Systems Hardware Additive Manufacturing Mobile Computing & Application development Cybersecurity test and analysis tools Authorization & Assessment Cyber-secure System Designs Network Architecture Design Risk Management The Dahlgren Division is a naval Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E) institution founded in Naval Warfare, focused to meet the needs of the Department of Navy (DoN), which also supports Joint and National initiatives that have naval implications. Our Role: Help the Navy determine and develop the capabilities it needs. We play an I ntegral part in the decision-making process as technical advisors. Verify the quality, safety, and effective of the Navy’s ships and systems utilizing rigorous systems engineering processes. Help design, develop and field solutions for urgent operational Fleet needs.. We pride ourselves on our ability to deliver an array of responsive options and service for Fleet needs. Work closely with the warfighter to fully understand operational challenges and requirements. Provide a bridge between warfighters and the technical community. We work with the fleet to understand their operational needs and translate them into requirements that the technical community can understand. This critical linkage results in delivery of effective, affordable and timely warfighting capabilities to our men and women in uniform. Services Services Services On-Site TEMPALT Support RF Engineering & Analysis SIGINT Training Support ISEA and Fleet Operational Support Engineering Design Vulnerability Assessments Cyber Test & Evaluation Cybersecurity Engineering Penetration Testing Cybersecurity Analysis Software Support Activities Independent Verification & Validation (IV&V) Distribution A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 11

12 R20 Integrated Training Systems
The Dahlgren Division is a naval Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E) institution founded in Naval Warfare, focused to meet the needs of the Department of Navy (DoN), which also supports Joint and National initiatives that have naval implications. Our Role: Help the Navy determine and develop the capabilities it needs. We play an I ntegral part in the decision-making process as technical advisors. Verify the quality, safety, and effective of the Navy’s ships and systems utilizing rigorous systems engineering processes. Help design, develop and field solutions for urgent operational Fleet needs.. We pride ourselves on our ability to deliver an array of responsive options and service for Fleet needs. Work closely with the warfighter to fully understand operational challenges and requirements. Provide a bridge between warfighters and the technical community. We work with the fleet to understand their operational needs and translate them into requirements that the technical community can understand. This critical linkage results in delivery of effective, affordable and timely warfighting capabilities to our men and women in uniform. Distribution A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 12

13 Systems Modernization and improving systems operational availability
R30 Combat Systems Readiness Division R30 Vision To be a robust engineering organization focused on Surface Warfare Systems Modernization and improving systems operational availability R31 Combat Systems Support R32 Data Distribution Systems & Readiness R33 Surface Ship ASW Systems R34 Combat Systems CP Installation & Integration R35 Combat Systems CP Readiness & Sustainment Mission Mission Mission Mission Mission Our Mission is to Assure Combat System Readiness through the Acquisition, Life Cycle Sustainment and delivery of high Quality Combat System equipment and services Our Mission is to Provide Sensor Data Distribution Engineering, Acquisition & Life Cycle Support and Fleet Readiness solutions for Warfare Systems Our Mission is to Provide Fleet Support and Sustainment for Surface Ship ASW Systems including Installation, In-Service Support and Integrated Logistics Support Our Mission is to Engineer, Install and Support Quality Controlled and Maintainable Navy Combat System Computer Programs. Our Mission is to Support our Fleet with Combat System software installations, Configuration Control and expert Technical assistance. Products Products Products Products Products Ship Self Defense System (SSDS) MK-2 Future Readiness & Optimize Scheduling Tool (FROST) Advanced Sensor Distribution System (ASDS), AN/SPQ-14 Data Distribution System, AN/SPQ-15, AN/SPA-25G&H Surface Ship ASW (AN/SQQ-89) AEGIS CP Baselines BMD CP Baselines LCS CP Baselines USCG CP Baseline AEGIS CP Baselines BMD CP Baselines LCS CP Baselines DDG1000 CP Baselines USCG CP Baseline The Dahlgren Division is a naval Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E) institution founded in Naval Warfare, focused to meet the needs of the Department of Navy (DoN), which also supports Joint and National initiatives that have naval implications. Our Role: Help the Navy determine and develop the capabilities it needs. We play an I ntegral part in the decision-making process as technical advisors. Verify the quality, safety, and effective of the Navy’s ships and systems utilizing rigorous systems engineering processes. Help design, develop and field solutions for urgent operational Fleet needs.. We pride ourselves on our ability to deliver an array of responsive options and service for Fleet needs. Work closely with the warfighter to fully understand operational challenges and requirements. Provide a bridge between warfighters and the technical community. We work with the fleet to understand their operational needs and translate them into requirements that the technical community can understand. This critical linkage results in delivery of effective, affordable and timely warfighting capabilities to our men and women in uniform. Services Services Services Services Services Acquisition Engineering Logistic Analysis and Product Development Alterations & Installations (HW&CP) Fleet Support Obsolescence Engineering Design Engineering Acquisition Engineering Logistic Analysis and Product Development Alterations & Installations (HW&CP) Fleet Support In-Service Engineering In-Service Engineering Logistic Analysis and Product Development Alterations & Installations (HW&CP) Obsolescence Engineering Fleet Support CS CP Life Cycle Engineering Support Combat System CP Installations Fleet Support CASREP/Issue coordination Combat System installation support Media Delivery Support AEGIS OE Sustainment Distribution A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 13

14 Integration Safety Branch
R40 Systems Safety Engineering Division R40 Vision To be the recognized leader in the development and application of innovative and advanced safety analysis tools, methodologies and solutions addressing emergent and disruptive technologies early in the development cycle. R41 Engagement Systems Safety Branch R42 Combat Systems Safety Branch R43 Platform Systems Integration Safety Branch R44 Technology Integration Safety Branch Mission Mission Mission Mission Our mission is to provide the warfighter with safe systems by conducting system safety engineering on engagement systems and major engagement system elements in all phases of the acquisition process. Our mission is to provide the warfighter innovative, proactive, and reliable combat system safety engineering services across all phases of acquisition.. Our mission is to provide the warfighter integrated technology and weapon systems safety solutions on ship platforms across all phases of acquisition.. Our mission is to provide the warfighter innovative, feasible, and environmentally sound safety solutions on emerging technologies across all phases of acquisition. Products Products Products Products Weapon System Safety Analyses System Safety Program Plans (SSPPs) Safety Review Board Data Packages and Briefings Safety Assessment Reports (SARs) for milestone and test events Safety Risk Acceptance packages for assigned Weapon Technical data, analysis and safety assessment documents for Combat and Engagement systems used for test, firing authorization and deployment certification/authorization decisions Safety Risk Acceptance packages for assigned Combat and engagement systems Platform System Integration Safety Analysis System Safety Program Plans Safety Review Board Data Packages and Briefings Safety Assessment Reports (SARs) Safety Risk Acceptance packages and Mishap Assessment Reports Ship Weapon Pointing and Firing drawings and reports Programmatic Environment, Safety, and Occupational Health Evaluations (PESHEs) Laser Hazard Evaluation Reports Technical data, analysis, risk acceptance and safety assessment documents for new technology systems used for test, firing authorization & deployment certification/authorization decisions Highlight any changes in Red since last BAA Predicts, assesses, and mitigates the potential of harm to personnel, equipment and the environment through the rigorous and independent practice of system safety engineering in all phases of acquisition. Conducts Systems Safety programs and the required analyses in accordance with MIL-STD 882. Branches do similar work, just on different types of systems/platforms. Also have the laser safety group & PFCO group. Highlight any changes in Red Services Services Services Services System safety engineering expertise for Joint Services, US Navy, and US Marine Corps Weapon Systems Design and execution of MIL-STD 882 System Safety Programs Qualified Engagement System Principals for Safety and Principals for Environment, Safety, and Occupational Health System safety engineering expertise for US Navy, US Coast Guard and Foreign Military Sales Naval Combat and Engagement Systems Design and execution of MIL-STD 882 System Safety Programs Qualified Combat/Engagement System Principal for Safety personnel System Safety engineering expertise for US Navy Ships, and Weapons Systems Integration Design and execution of MIL-STD 882 System Safety Programs Qualified Platform Integration Principals For Safety Ship Topside engineers and technicians Design and execution of MIL-STD 882 System Safety Programs Qualified Laser, Radar, Engagement System, and Environmental System Safety Engineers, Principals for Safety and Principals for Environment, Safety, and Occupational Health Distribution A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 14

15 Planned 2019/20 Opportunities Planned 2020/21 Opportunities
Future Contract Opportunities Planned 2019/20 Opportunities Open Cognitive Computing Framework (New) SSDS Production Components (EEE, MPC, CDS) (Follow-on) System Safety (Follow-on) Software Engineering Support (Follow-on) Signal Intelligence (SIGINT) (Follow-on) NEIC Project Support (Follow-on) Facilities Infrastructure Support (New) Planned 2020/21 Opportunities Global Training and Readiness Support (Follow-on) Fleet Delivery and Install Support (Follow-on) SSDS Production Components (NSG, RDP, DCU, APC) – (Follow-on) AN/SPQ-14 & AN/SPQ-15 Hardware & Support (Follow-on) Distribution A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited

16 Summary Reshaping the Department to increase Research and Development work Significant future contract capacity to support both legacy and new work will be required to manage this transition Significant growth expected in Integrated Training Systems as we incorporate new digital technologies Distribution A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited

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