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Respiratory System.

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1 Respiratory System

2 Function -Takes in oxygen and removes carbon dioxide
- Must work continuously because the body has 4-6 minute oxygen supply

3 Structures of the Respiratory System
nose -nostrils (nares) -nasal septum - nasal cavities-lined with mucous membrane and rich blood supply Mucous helps trap dirt and pathogens- - cilia- hairs that help filter dust and particles - olfactory receptors- sense of smell - sinuses-provide resonance for the voice

4 Structures of Respiratory System
Pharynx (throat) -nasopharynx- upper portion behind the nose (pharyngeal tonsils or adenoids are located here - oropharynx- middle section behind the mouth -laryngopharynx- bottom section -esophagus and trachea branch off this

5 Structures of Respiratory System
Larynx (between the pharynx and trachea) -has 9 layers of cartilage -largest layer is the thyroid cartilage or Adam’s apple - vocal cords- 2 folds that vibrate and produce sound - epiglottis- leaflike flap of cartilage that closes the opening of the larynx when we swallow to prevent foods/liquids from entering the respiratory tract

6 Structures of Respiratory System
trachea -windpipe - carries air between the pharynx and the bronchi bronchi -right and left. each enters a lung and carries air from the trachea to the lung. Bronchi continue to branch out into smaller bronchioles. These further branch out into the smallest air sacs, alveoli.

7 Structures alveoli -resemble a bunch of grapes- 500 million
-capillaries in the alveoli allow for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide -inner suface of alveoli are covered with a fatty substance called surfactant to prevent them from collapsing.

8 Structures Lungs -right lung has 3 lobes (superior, middle, and inferior) - left lung has 2 lobes (to make room for the heart) superior and inferior - pleura are membranes that enclose each lung (visceral pleura and parietal pleura) - pleural space between the layers contains a fluid that lubricates and prevents friction as the lungs expand during breathing

9 Process of breathing Ventilation- process of breathing-2 phases
- inspiration- inhalation -expiration- exhalation -respiration-process of inspiration and expiration. Controlled by the respiratory center in the medulla oblongata. Increase of carbon dioxide in the blood, or a decrease in oxygen, causes the center to increase the rate of respiration. usually involuntary

10 Stages of respiration external respiration- exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and bloodstream. internal respiration- exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the tissue cells and the bloodstream. cellular respiration- cells use oxygen and nutrients to produce energy, water and carbon dioxide

11 Diseases ASTHMA- Chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways, usually caused by a sensitivity to an allergen. Symptoms: dyspnea, wheezing, coughing Treatment- bronchodilators, anti-inflammatory medications, allergy medications, oxygen

12 Diseases BRONCHITIS inflammation of the bronchi and bronchial tubes
Acute- usually caused by a viral infection symptoms- productive cough, dyspnea, rales, chest pain, fever treatment- expectorants, anti-inflammatory medications, cough suppressants, and decongestants. Drink large amounts of water.

13 Diseases BRONCHITIS continued
Chronic- results from frequents attacks of acute bronchitis and long term exposure to pollutants or smoking symptoms- chronic inflammation, damaged cilia, enlarge mucous glands, excessive mucous, wheezing, productive cough, prolonged air expiration. treatment- bronchodilators and respiratory therapy

14 Diseases COPD -chronic obstructive pulmonary disease- ex. chronic asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and TB. Smoking is the primary cause. symptoms- shortness of breath, wheezing, chest tightness, chronic cough. treatment- bronchodilators, mucolytics (loosen mucus secretions), cough medicine, O2. Should alway get a flu shot and pneumonia shot. -poor prognosis- leads to respiratory failure and death

15 Diseases EMPHYSEMA -a noinfectious, chronic respiratory condition that occurs when the walls of the alveoli deteriorate and lose elasticity resulting in CO2 being trapped in the alveoli. (smoking, air pollutants are causes) -symptoms- dyspnea, feeling of suffocation, pain, chronic cough, cyanosis, BARREL CHEST. -treatment- bronchodilators, inhaled steroids, oxygen, respiratory therapy, no smoking

16 Diseases EPISTAXIS Nosebleed-when capillaries become congested and bleed. Caused by injury, hypertension, infection, anti-coagulant drugs, dry or cold air. Treatment- compress the nostrils toward the septum, elevate the head and tilt it slightly forward

17 Diseases INFLUENZA -highly contagious viral infection of the upper respiratory system Symptoms- sudden onset of chills, fever, cough, sore throat, muscle pain, and fatigue Treatment- fluids, rest, analgesics, antipyretics, and antiviral medications. Flu vaccines are available

18 Diseases LARYNGITIS -inflammation of the larynx and vocal cords. Caused by viral infection, irritation, or vocal cord straining. Symptoms- hoarseness or loss of voice, dysphagia, sore throat Treatment- rest, limited use of voice, fluids, corticosteroids, and salt water gargles.

19 Diseases LUNG CANCER --leading cause of cancer death in both men and women and most common type of cancer worldwide. 3 types -small cell -squamous cell -adenocarcinoma

20 Diseases Lung cancer continued:
Symptoms-later stages- chronic cough, hemoptysis, dyspnea, fatigue, weight loss, and chest pain. Treatment- removal of cancerous sections, radiation and/or chemotherapy Prognosis is not good because the disease is usually advanced before it is diagnosed.

21 Diseases PLEURISY -inflammation of the pleura, membrane lining, of the lungs. Symptoms- crepitation (grating sounds in the lungs), dyspnea, and fever. Treatment- rest, pain medication, anti-inflammatory medication. If worsens, thoracentesis to remove fluid.

22 Diseases PNEUMONIA inflammation or infection of the lungs with exudate in the alveoli Symptoms-chills, fever, chest pain, productive cough, dyspnea, muscle pain, and fatigue. (mimics the flu) Treatment- rest, oxygen, fluids, antibiotics (if bacterial), respiratory therapy Pneumonia vaccine is available

23 Disease RHINITIS inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes
Symptoms- runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes, and congestion Treatment- fluids, decongestants

24 Diseases SINUSITIS -inflammation of the lining of the sinuses (one or more cavities) Symptoms- headache, pressure/pain, thick nasal discharge, congestion Treatment- analgesics, antibiotic, decongestant, and moist inhalations

25 Diseases SLEEP APNEA -condition in which a person intermittently stops breathing while asleep causing a decrease in oxygen levels 2 types obstructive- caused by a blockage in the airway when the muscles allow the tongue and palate to block the airway central-cuased by a disorder in teh respiratory control center of the brain

26 Diseases SLEEP APNEA continued
Central sleep apnea occurs in men more often and factors that increase risk include obesity, hypertension, smoking, alcohol or sedative use. Both are diagnosed when: 5 periods of apnea lasting at least 10 seconds each occur during 1 hour of sleep. Causes snoring loudly when patient awakens. Severe treatment- CPAP delivers pressure to the airway to keep it open (continuous positive airway pressure)

infection in the lung caused by bacteria (mycobacterium tuberculosis) Symptoms-fatigue, fever, night sweats, weight loss, hemoptysis, chest pain. Treatment-medication for 1-2 years to destroy the bacteria. Tubercles- WBC’s surround the TB organism and wall them off, creating nodules in teh lungs. They remain dormant in the tubercles but can cause an active case of TB later if the body’s resistance is lowered. (ex. HIV, cancer, etc)

-inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the upper resp tract-caused by viruses and highly contagious. Symptoms-fever, runny nose, watery eyes, congestion, sore throat, and hacking cough Treatment- analgesics, fluids, rest, antihistamines (congestion)

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