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Remembering September 11th, 2001

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Presentation on theme: "Remembering September 11th, 2001"— Presentation transcript:

1 Remembering September 11th, 2001

2 By discussing what happened that day and how it impacted our nation.
Objectives Today we will identify and describe the events of September 11th, 2001. By discussing what happened that day and how it impacted our nation. To understand how historical events impact our lives.

3 Bell Ringer: 9/11 Free write
Write nonstop for a set period of time (5-10minutes). Do not make corrections as you write. Keep writing, even if you have to write something like, “I don’t know what to write.” Write whatever comes into your mind. Use the writing tool that is most comfortable for you— pencil or pen Don’t cross anything out: Write the new idea down; leave the old one. Maybe you write about what you know about 9/11 or questions you have. Answer the question Why is it important to remember those who died on 9/11? Just write!

4 The Twin Towers Are Hit

5 September 11th & The World Trade Center
On September 11, 2001, the entire complex was destroyed in a terrorist attack that has come to be referred to as “9/11”.

6 What Was The World Trade Center?
The World Trade Center (WTC) was a 16-acre commercial complex in lower Manhattan. It contained seven buildings, a large plaza, and an underground shopping mall that connected six of the buildings. The centerpieces of the complex were the Twin Towers.

7 Stories of Escape

8 Washington, D.C. & Shanksville, PA

9 President Bush Reacts at Ground Zero

10 The World Trade Center

11 The Pentagon Memorial

12 The Shanksville, PA Memorial

13 The Memorial

14 09/11 Political cartoon Directions; Copy the questions. Answer it by examining the next two slides 1. Are there any real people in the cartoon? 2. Who is portrayed in the cartoon? 3. Are there any symbols in the cartoon? What are they and what do they represent? 4. What is the cartoonist’s opinion about the event portrayed in the cartoon? 5. Do you agree or disagree with the cartoonist’s opinion? Why?

15 09/11 political cartoon

16 09/11 political cartoon

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