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Registration Guardians/Parents and Students: 8th Grade

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Presentation on theme: "Registration Guardians/Parents and Students: 8th Grade"— Presentation transcript:

1 Registration 2019-2020 Guardians/Parents and Students: 8th Grade

2 TSMS Leadership team Principal- Justin Barrett
Assistant Principal- Magan Locey Assistant Principal- Melanie Parrish Assistant Principal- Darius Ingram Assessment Administrator- Trisha Erwin Counselor (A- G)- Alyssa Aguillon Counselor (H-O)- Melissa Clayton Counselor (P-Z)- Lauren Brown

3 Course Selection Reference Sheet Something to write with
What should you have? Course Selection Reference Sheet Something to write with

4 Middle school registration
The registration form you receive today is a “practice registration form to assist you in selecting your courses. Course Guides outlining courses and their descriptions will be available online Parents and students should discuss options available and make decisions regarding course requests. Registration will be completed through google.doc. The google.doc will close on February 23, 2019

5 Middle School Course Guide
Keller ISD Website

6 Academic strengths/Areas of Giftedness Commitment to academics
What Factors to Consider when Deciding about Enrolling in Pre-AP/GT Classes Academic strengths/Areas of Giftedness Commitment to academics Extracurricular activities Family support

7 Pre-AP/GT vs. Academic Level
More in-depth, application of grade level and extension-style homework. Requires more effort, attention, and skill Student must be able to work independently in & outside the classroom. The student is highly self-motivated to learn and achieve. Class discussions begin with the assumption that knowledge has been acquired independently and moves quickly to concepts. Testing involves more indirect application and drawing conclusion- style questioning. Academic Level More grade level, skills-based, comprehension-style homework. The student may require more guidance from the teacher. The student may need monitoring to ensure completion of assignments. Class discussions begin with a review of knowledge and move carefully toward understanding concepts. Testing involves more demonstration of skills and knowledge-style questioning.


9 ELA 8 Math 8 Science 8 SS 8 Advisory Combination of full year and semester electives and 2 alternates

10 English, Science, and Social Studies
Think About: Regular, Pre-AP, Pre-AP GT levels NOTE: In order to take Pre-AP GT English, Science or Social Studies course, a student must be an identified GT student.

11 Math – Where do you fit? Think About:
Think About: Academic, Honors, or Algebra 1 or Pre-AP Algebra 1 levels Enrollment in Algebra I Pre-AP requires that Pre-AP Math 7 was successfully completed.

12 Let’s Build your 8th Grade Course Request
ENGLISH Language Arts 8 Pre-AP Language Arts 8 Or PAP GT Language Arts 8 MATH Math 8 Honors Math 8 Algebra 1 Algebra 1 PAP-H.S. Credit (Must have taken PAP Math 7) SCIENCE Science 8 Pre-AP Science 8 PAP GT Science 8 S. STUDIES Social Studies 8 Pre-AP Social Studies 8 PAP GT History 8 Discuss PAP- Reminder that PAP Algebra 1 is only for students that have completed PAP Math 7. Additional opportunities to advance to Alg. 1 are available but would require meeting with your student’s counselor to discuss Choose your level of preference on the your registration sheet.

13 What’s next? PHYSICAL EDUCATION *Required applications are located on the KMS website under registration information Athletics/Competitive Tennis** (Physical Required and online completion of athletic application-KISD web site) P.E. or Partner P.E.* Tennis Off-Campus PE (Contact TSMS Counseling Office after Spring Break for information) In 7th OR 8th grade all students are required to take a year of a Physical Education Course. If your student took a physical education course in 7th grade, they are not required to take one in 8th grade. ** Competitive Tennis requires tryout- dates will be announced Please refer to the Middle school course guide for descriptions of all classes

14 What’s next? Choir Band Art I, Art 2 or Partner Art 1* Art Portfolio*
Full Year Electives- *Required applications are located on the TSMS website under registration information Choir Band Art I, Art 2 or Partner Art 1* Art Portfolio* Journalism/Yearbook* Theatre 1, Theatre 2 Theatre Production * PALS* AVID will be offered. (Students will go through an invitation/notice of interest, application and selection process.) Please refer to the Middle school course guide for descriptions of all classes

15 Spanish 1- Academic Level PAP Spanish 1 Spanish 1 (online)
Full Year Electives- High School Credit Foreign Language taken in middle school will be calculated in a student’s high school GPA. Spanish 1- Academic Level PAP Spanish 1 Spanish 1 (online) German 1 (online) French 1 (online) Latin 1 (online) Entrepreneurship (online) meets the H.S. graduation 21st Century Skill requirement Principals of Business, Finance and Marketing (online) Principals of Health Science (online) Please refer to the Middle school course guide for descriptions of all classes

16 College and Career Readiness Conversational Spanish Creative Writing
Semester Elective Options *Required applications are located on the TSMS website under registration information College and Career Readiness Conversational Spanish Creative Writing Discovering Languages and Cultures (online only) Investigating Careers-Introduction to Audio/Video Production Speech Communication Student Aide* Technology Applications (online only) World Mythology

17 Health Lifetime Nutrition and Wellness (online)
Semester Elective Options- High School Credit Health Lifetime Nutrition and Wellness (online) Personal Financial Literacy (online) Professional Communications (online)- meets the H.S. graduation 21st Century Skill requirement Project Lead the Way GTT 1-Design and Modeling Automation GTT 2- Applied Science and Technology GTT 3- Energy, Environment, and Flight GTT 4- Architecture and Biomedical Science Touch System Data Entry (online)

18 Students who have passed STAAR tests

19 Required Intervention Courses
Campus staff will identify and place students after the STAAR scores are returned in June Full year courses that will replace electives May participate in athletics before school if necessary Reading Styles For students who did not meet minimum expectations on most recent STAAR reading test Math Quest For students who did not meet minimum expectations on most recent STAAR math test. Advisory-mandatory full-year course required for each middle school student.

20 STAAR EOC Testing Requirements

21 How do I register for classes?
An will be sent to your parents using their on file (through HAC) This will have the link to the google.doc where you will put in your course selections/requests. After filling out the google.doc, an copy of the information will be sent to your parent for their records.

22 Registration Reminders
Registration is only available online. You cannot take the same course twice. You must register for a total of 8 classes. The Course Guide provides descriptions of courses and prerequisites. If a change needs to be made prior to Feb. 23, simply resubmit the google.doc Changes to course requests closes on Feb. 23rd. All changes after closing must be made in writing by April 1,

23 SAVE Committee Process
Are you placed correctly? Is the Pre-AP or Pre-AP GT level the correct level for you? Please choose carefully! After April 1, no changes to course requests will be allowed (including level changes). Students must remain in Pre-AP or Pre-AP GT courses through the end of the 2nd week of school and have the opportunity to request a level change until the end of the 7th week of school. To request a SAVE Committee, you must have: Turned in all assignments. Attended multiple tutorials. Retested when needed. Then, you will fill out a SAVE form in the Counseling Center. A parent/teacher/student conference is required PRIOR to turning in a SAVE form. Turning in a SAVE form is not an automatic level change. Most likely you will have a meeting with your parents, teacher, AP, and counselor to determine correct placement for this subject.  April 28th ends the opportunity for a course request change.  Only changes pertaining to graduation plans and/or computer errors will be addressed.  A student who does not submit a course request change before April 28th will not be eligible for a schedule change. Every effort is made to “SAVE” a student’s schedule Every effort is made to “SAVE” a student’s schedule

24 Looking Forward What do you see? What is your path? What makes
Discuss with parents new opportunities for their students with HB5, Graduation requirements and new CTE center Michelle 23-38 What makes you happy?

25 EIC Local Rank and GPA (Grade Point Average)


27 Foundation Program Subject Area Credits English Language Arts
Four Credits English I English II English III Advanced English Course Math Algebra I Geometry Algebra 2 Endorsement Advanced Math Science Biology Advanced Science Course Endorsement Advanced Science Social Studies World Geography World History US History Government/Economics Foundation Program Important to know Graduation Requirements as 7th graders may begin earning a high school credit this year

28 Foundation Program Course Credits World Languages 2 credits
Physical Education 1 credit Fine Art 21st Century Skills .5 credit Electives 5.5 credits (4 credits required in an Endorsement) Foundation Program

29 Endorsements Which one would you choose?
FOUNDATION PLAN ARTS & HUMANITIES BUSINESS & INDUSTRY PUBLIC SERVICE STEM MULTI-DISCIPLINARY For students who begin 9th grade in and thereafter, prior to entering 9th grade, students are required to declare a chosen program of study, or endorsement, which will help in guiding course elective choices throughout high school. Students may earn a single endorsement, or multiple endorsements in the areas of: Arts and Humanities, Business and Industry, Multidisciplinary Studies, Public Service, or STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math). Students wishing to change their declared endorsement must follow the Keller ISD process and should see their assigned counselor. Students may not change their endorsement choice until after the 10th grade year.

30 Go to the KISD Webpage and select the link




34 Last Minute Registration Reminders
Registration is only available online. You will receive an with the google.doc link to go online and register for classes If a change needs to be made prior to Feb. 23, simply resubmit the google.doc All changes after closing must be made in writing by April 1,

35 Questions? Please contact us via e-mail.
Last names A-G Alyssa Aguillon Last names H-O Melissa Clayton Last names P-Z Lauren Brown Trinity Springs Middle School

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