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Usage Analysis of Print Serials

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1 Usage Analysis of Print Serials
Are They Worth the Investment? Rob Kairis Library Director Kent State University, Stark Campus


3 Analysis Driven by Space Needs/Personnel
Spring 2006 Bound serials collection reduced to accommodate 3 large electronic classrooms (the Math Emporium) Serials Librarian retired in 2015, position was not replaced Fall 2017 Current serials shelves reduced to incorporate a Writing Center in the Library

4 Print Serials Usage Measured
Used current issues are collected and recorded before re-shelving (a customized application developed for our library)1 Barcoded bound volumes are checked in for use before re-shelving (usage recorded in ILS item records) Data from both systems are extracted and combined in Excel Subscription costs are added to obtain cost per use 1 Davis, Roger (2009). A Web-Based Usage Counter for Serial Collections. The Serials Librarian 57(1-2), doi: /

5 Cost Per Usage Findings (2015/16)
Average cost per subscription = $285.25 Average cost per use = $ (89% of subscription cost) Average use per subscription = 1.03 Subscriptions not used = 114 Subscriptions used once = 15 Most used (American journal of occupational therapy) = 25 Costs are inflated. Cost per use for zero used titles calculated as 1 use; bound use of recently canceled titles included

6 Cost Per Usage Findings (2015/16)
(Costs not included)… Direct binding costs Personnel costs… Daily Check in Claiming/tracking orders Processing invoices Preparing and receiving binding shipments Space costs

7 Cost Per Use Trends

8 Current Strategies to Cut Costs
Cancel print journals duplicated online (in permanent repositories, OhioLINK Electronic Journals Center) Eliminate non-relevant titles (International Gymnast, Jane’s Intelligence Review) Binding savings (no longer bind JSTOR titles) after issues are covered online (when the moving wall moves) print issues are discarded

9 Future Model Selectively subscribe online to the most useful titles
Cancel print for journals duplicated in licensed databases (the risk in losing perpetual access out-weighs the cost to maintain subscription) Convert to “Current year only” popular magazines (to further reduce binding costs) To fill gaps for canceled subscriptions and expand access, employ a document delivery service

10 Usage Analysis of Print Serials
Are They Aren’t Worth the Investment? Rob Kairis Library Director Kent State University, Stark Campus

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