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Dia de los Muertos Photography Project

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Presentation on theme: "Dia de los Muertos Photography Project"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dia de los Muertos Photography Project
AP and Photo 3-4

2 9/25-9/28 Advanced, AP, Ind. Study
AP Students: You MUST register online for your class through CollegeBoard. Make sure you do this by FRIDAY! Everyone should be working to complete their sketch/plan page for Dia de los Muertos. You may get film after this is approved. REMINDER: Many of you still have to turn in your last project! Don’t procrastinate! Get signed out to travel on Thursday!

3 Dia de los Muertos Traditionally, celebrated November 1st and 2nd.
MeCHA club and the Multicultural Committee at Central will be having Dia de los Muertos festivals that week of school, including the altar displays in the library. I’d like for most of your work to be put on display to celebrate. I would like to create an altar from your photos made in this project.

4 What do you already know about Dia de los Muertos
Traditions Food Festivals Origins Celebration or mourning? Traditional vs. Contemporary views Religious and cultural aspects

5 Ideas for this project This project is much more open-ended than others. Think about what Dia de los Muertos might mean for you, in your life, or how you respond to its meanings and origins. You will need to have very well-though out ideas on your Planning page in order to be approved to use a camera and film Consider setting up your images, and making it more of a “shoot”

6 Examples

7 Examples

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16 Examples

17 Planning Sketch! You must draw an example sketch of what you want your final 2 photos to look like. Use mindmaps to create a web of ideas. What will you photograph? Who? Where? What time of day? What type of lighting? Consider how your images relate to your theme. What message do you want to send about Dia de los Muertos? How do you want to express your feelings towards it? No research for this project, but looking at other photographs on the internet will definitely help!

18 Focus on Photographers
Tim Tadder- Las Muertas Projects/Las-Muertas/3 Morgan Shidler the-dead-mexico/

19 Other Artists Sylvia Ji Moises Lalo Cota Patrick Murillo

20 Sylvia Ji

21 Moises uMNYOEc

22 Lalo Cota

23 Patrick Murillo and Kathy Cano-Murillo
Cousins! ch?v=aL6lzJPiSl8 ch?v=ZwmfaJDGbUI

24 Due dates 9/28- sketches due 10/5- contact sheets due. 10/19- Final Prints due.

25 Requirements You must shoot one roll of film (20 shots) that ties into the “Dia de los Muertos” theme. What that means is up to you. Print at least 2 good quality prints from this roll.-watch out for light leaks and exposing your film. Also- use your exposure chart and pay attention to your light meter while shooting. Use 2 techniques- Bracketing and Split Filtering You may experiment with double or multiple exposures, and you may even print them as cyanotypes if you feel it fits your project more.

26 Bracketing Bracketing is a process that involves taking more than one of the same exact shot. The first shot should be taken with what your camera’s light meter tells you to set your aperture and shutter speed at. The 2nd shot should be slightly under or over exposed. For example, your camera might tell you that a correct exposure for your shot is at f/16 at 1/125 sec. Take the first shot with these settings, then take the 2nd shot at f/11 at 1/125 sec, and the 3rd shot at f/22 at 1/125. Or, you could also change your shutter speed slightly- f/16 at 1/60, f/16 at 1/250.

27 Split Filter Printing You all know how to use filters to adjust the contrast in your final prints. Review: Use a higher # filter, like a #5 to add contrast to your print. Use a lower # filter, like #0, 1, 2 to decrease contrast in your print. Sometimes, using 1 filter is not sufficient to create more contrast, and even after using a #5, you still have a grey print. In this situation, you can use split filtering. Watch the video and take notes.

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