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Economic Challenges.

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Presentation on theme: "Economic Challenges."— Presentation transcript:

1 Economic Challenges

2 Unemployment

3 Unemployment Four types of unemployment Frictional unemployment
Seasonal Unemployment Structural unemployment Cyclical unemployment

4 Frictional Unemployment
- Time taken by people to find a job ( time in between jobs)

5 Seasonal Unemployment
Industries shut down or slow down for a season.

6 Structural Unemployment
Worker’s skills do not match the jobs that are available.

7 Cyclical Unemployment
Unemployment that rises or falls according to the current economic situation.

8 Full Employment Level of employment reached when no cyclical unemployment exists.

9 Inflation A general increase in prices.

10 How does inflation affect purchasing power and income?
Purchasing power: Your dollar buy less it did before. Income: You will have less money to counteract the inflation unless your wages rise to match.

11 Poverty Poverty can be caused by some of the following:
Lack of education Location Racial or gender bias. Economic shifts Shifts in family structure




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