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Radiation at a Distance

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1 Radiation at a Distance
C10 Radiation at a Distance

2 How far is truly safe enough to stand away from the x-ray beam?

3 Purpose Objective How? Determine how far a tech needs to be from the x-ray tube to receive undetectable radiation from a portable exposure Using a x-table hip technique we placed coins on a digital detector and moved the detector 3 feet away with each exposure with the x-ray tube directed to the table bucky.

4 Table Set Up Table set up with the cassette moving away in 3 feet increments

5 Our Experiment The first 5 images were taken with the table set up & with a technique of mAs 0 ft 3 ft 6 ft 9 ft – had to window & level 12 ft – had to window & level The next 2 images were taken with the table set up & with a technique of mAs 12 ft 15 ft - had to window & level

6 O Feet Cassette in table bucky 70 15 mAs

7 3 Feet Away Cassette on cart 70 15 mAs

8 6 Feet Away Cassette on cart 70 15 mAs

9 9 Feet Away Cassette on cart 70 kVp @ 15 mAs
Had to window & level to see coins

10 12 Feet Away Cassette on cart 70 kVp @ 15 mAs
Had to window & level to try to see coins

11 12 Feet Away Cassette on cart 80 75 mAs

12 15 Feet Away Cassette on cart 80 kVp @ 75 mAs
Had to window & level to see coins

13 X-ray beam directed to Wall bucky
Wall Bucky Set Up: Tube facing the wall, bucky with the cassette on the other side or behind the tube, moving cassette away from the tube in 3 foot increments

14 Last 3 Exposures The last 3 images were taken with the tube facing the wall bucky with the cassette on the other side of the room & a technique of mAs 3 ft 6 ft 9ft – had to window & level

15 3 Feet Away Cassette on cart behind x-ray tube 80 75 mAs

16 6 Feet Away Cassette on cart behind x-ray tube 80 75 mAs

17 9 Feet Away Cassette on cart behind x-ray tube 80 kVp @ 75 mAs
Had to window & level to see coins

18 How far is far enough? According to our results, the recommended 6 feet away isn’t far enough. Techs should make sure that they are putting as much distances possible between themselves and the x-ray machines.​ Based off of our research we found that even at 15 feet away using a cross table hip technique, shadows of the coins we used were still visible




22 References: Mosby (2005). “C-arm Orientation and Exposure Patterns”

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