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Monday February 23, 2015 Mr. Goblirsch – U.S. History

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1 Monday February 23, 2015 Mr. Goblirsch – U.S. History
OBJECTIVE – Students Will Be Able To – SWBAT: Trace the events that led to the outbreak of WWII in Europe. AGENDA: WARM-UP: WWII Begins Map CONCEPT: WWII Begins READING: FDR “Quarantine” Speech WWII Begins Map WARM-UP: (Follow the directions below) ***5 Minutes*** Analyze the map on P Answer the questions below. In which countries did authoritarian leaders come to power? Who were those leaders? Read the caption for Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany, why was Hitler able to come to power in 1933? Look at France, why do you think democratic France might have felt threatened?

2 World War II Begins Ch 16 Copy the Black

3 WWII Begins Treaty of Versailles failures – Failed to secure “just & secure Peace” Germ saw as unfair; problems for Weimar Republic (Democratic Govt) USSR resented losing territory Democracies unsuccessful, dictators gain control Nationalism – loyalty to one’s country above all else Totalitarian Gov’ts Stalin = Communist USSR Mussolini = Fascist Italy Hitler elected chancellor of Germ = Nazi Germany, Third Reich Joseph Stalin Man of Steel Benito Mussolini IL Duce Adolf Hitler Der Fuhrer

4 WWII Begins cont’d Aggressions lead to war
Japan wants more living space Japan Invades Manchuria League of Nations fails to act Hitler & Mussolini notice Germ quits League, builds up military, militarizes Rhineland 1933 – Hitler quits League 1935 – begins military buildup 1936 – sends troops to demilitarized Rhineland Italy invades Ethiopia League threatens It, and economic boycott It takes Ethiopia - May 1936, nothing done Hitler & Mussolini aid Spanish Civil War for Fascist takeover Ger & It sign Rome-Berlin Axis Alliance Germ takes Austria - March 12, 1938 Munich Agreement – Fr & GB agree to allow Germ Sudetenland in Czech; Sept 30, 1938 Hitler says “last territorial demand” – Appeasement German troops marched into the rest of Czech - March 15, 1939

5 WWII Begins cont’d WWII starts Germ signs nonaggression pact w/ USSR Aug 23, 1939 – agree not to attack, Secretly agree to divide up Poland Germany avoids 2 front war (major problem of WWI) Germ invades Poland - Blitzkrieg Sept 1, 1939 – Germany invades Poland using powerful air force and fast tanks Fighting over in 3 weeks, USSR attacks Poland from East (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) Sept 3, 1939 – GB & France declare war on Germany Germ invades Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, & Luxembourg Apr 9, Launch surprise invasion of Denmark & Norway Overrun Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg by May 1940 March around Fr & GB troops thru Ardennes (thought impassible) heading to Paris Germ invades Fr – June 22, 1940 Fr surrenders Germ launches attack on Britain – Battle of Britian After 6 weeks, Hitler called off invasion

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