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SAT List #18 5 on front, 5 on back.

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1 SAT List #18 5 on front, 5 on back.
ostracize paragon partisan paucity pedantic noxious obsequious odious opaque opulent

2 Guess the: P.O.S. & definition
Context Clues: Guess the: P.O.S. & definition The noxious paint fumes were making me ill. (adj) harmful; malignant The obsequious peasants greeted the royal couple with bowed heads. (adj) polite or obedient from hope of gain or fear Her odious odor made us reject her until she took a shower. (adj) detestable; loathsome; revolting; sickening

3 Opulent=Bling bling The opaque curtains allowed me to sleep more peacefully. (adj) impenetrable by light; dull; dark; obscure 5. My opulent lifestyle was too much for my simple boyfriend. (adj) affluent; well-to-do; plentiful 6. I was ostracized from the group because I had an ugly outfit on. (v) to exclude, isolate, bar, shun

4 Are you a paragon of greatness?
7. She is the paragon of a great student! (n) model, standard of excellence 8. The partisans only cheered their team on. (n) fan or supporter, enthusiast supporting a particular cause/issue Due to the paucity in food, we each only had one chicken leg. (n) scarcity, shortage, dearth

5 Last one! 10. The teacher’s pedantic attention to details made me always receive an “F” for sloppiness even though my ideas were good. (adj) meticulous, academic, overly concerned with minute details/formalisms

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