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Oceanography Day 1 Answers

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1 Oceanography Day 1 Answers

2 2. What is more dense for water. How is this different
2. What is more dense for water? How is this different? What about Hydrogen bonding? Order from most to least dense: liquid, solid, gaseous Different because ALL OTHERS are solid, liquid, gaseous Hydrogen bonding makes the molecules in the solid spread apart

3 3. Why is salt water more dense than fresh water?
Salt adds mass without adding volume *** Remember *** density = mass ÷volume

4 4. What does the salt concentration do to the boiling point?
Salt raises the boiling point (takes a greater temperature to boil)

5 5. What does the salt concentration do to the freezing point?
Salt lowers the freezing point (takes a lower temperature to freeze)

6 6. What is the unit of measurement for salinity?
parts per thousand (ppt) Symbol = 0/00

7 7. What elements are mined from sea water?
Salt (sodium chloride) Magnesium

8 8. Why isn’t gold mined from the ocean?
There isn’t enough of it to be profitable

9 9. What 3 elements are essential and why?
Calcium – needed to make hard shells of organisms Nitrogen – needed for photosynthesis Phosphorus – needed for photosynthesis

10 10. 2 causes for low salinity in the ocean
Large amounts of freshwater coming in (i.e. river, melting ice) Heavy rainfall

11 11. 2 causes for high salinity
Extremely hot (water evaporates leaving salt) Extremely cold (water freezes, leaving salt behind)

12 12. How has the salt content changed in the past 200 million years?
It hasn’t changed very much

13 13. 3 ways salt enters the ocean
Erosion of land Underwater volcanoes Marine organisms die and decompose

14 14. 2 ways salt leaves the ocean
Marine plants and animals take it in Minerals precipitate out (come out of the water)

15 15. What is the source of energy that heats the ocean?

16 16. What part of the ocean is heated by the sun?
Only the top few meters

17 17. What are 2 behaviors of cold water?
Denser Less oxygen

18 Oceanography Quiz (from day 1 notes)
What is more dense: ice or liquid water? What does salt do to the boiling point of water? What heats the ocean? One way salt enters the ocean. One way salt leaves the ocean. One element that is mined from the sea. Why isn’t gold mined from the sea?

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