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Define your values, Align your actions

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1 Define your values, Align your actions
There are three Universal values Family Personal health School/work Values are beliefs and attitudes about the way we think things should be; they embody what is really important to us. Values give our life meaning. In order to determine if something is truly a value it must be chosen freely (not by our parents, etc), prized and cherished (publicly affirmed), and acted upon. A divorced man who promises he will always support his children and then does so is living his values. A woman who says children are important and arranges her work life accordingly is living her values. Values govern behavior; our lives work to the extent our behavior aligns with our values. Three universal values are family, personal health, and school/work. This book is about defining your values and aligning your actions! Most of the skills you read about in the book have their source in values – focused attention, self-responsibility, integrity, risk taking, and contributing.

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