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Policy Group on Statistical Cooperation October 2018, Kruševo

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1 Policy Group on Statistical Cooperation 18-19 October 2018, Kruševo
The ESS Vision 2020 and related topics Point 7 of the agenda Doc. PGSC/2018/14 Véronique van der Zande

2 Contents 1. Aim of this presentation
2. Achievements 6 ongoing ESS.VIPs 3. Supporting frameworks 4. 3 dedicated deployment projects 5. Framework regulations

3 1. Aim of this presentation
To inform on the state of play of the ESS Vision and the Framework regulations informed strategic decisions To discuss relevance of portfolio projects for the enlargement countries and share experience particular needs/interests?

4 9 ESS.VIPs in the portfolio

5 2. Achievements 6 ongoing ESS.VIPs
ADMIN: Dual role: support the use of administrative data sources + promote the quality of the output produced using administrative sources: common processes and common quality standards 1st results quality of multisource statistics ESSnet ESTP training "Moving towards register based statistical system" New pilot study: use of administrative data held by other EC DGs containing migration data "Guidelines for the integration of administrative data in statistical production" "Best practices using administrative data sets"

6 2. Achievements 6 ongoing ESS.VIPs
2) BIGD (Big data for official statistics): Digitalisation offers new opportunities to compile statistics: prepare the ESS for integrating Big Data sources in the production of official statistics. Deliverables on ethics, communication, legislation and skills ESSC Feb 2018: agreed 3 main strands of work Implementation areas: prepare conditions for Big Data integration in regular work New areas: statistical potential of new sources (financial transactions' data, social media, …) and new collaboration models with key private data holders Smart statistics: "smart" systems (smart cities and farming)

7 2. Achievements 6 ongoing ESS.VIPs
DIGICOM (Digital dissemination + communic.): "The life of Women and Men in the EU" – visualisation gender pay gap: 3 million views ESS Facebook page "European Statistics" informing public on interesting statistical products European Statistics Competition: students European Statistics User Forum (advanced users) launched in Jan 2018 Eurostat contributed to Massive Open Online Course coordinated by Committee of the Regions 21 NSIs agreed to EU-SILC public use files

8 2. Achievements 6 ongoing ESS.VIPs
ESBRs (European System of interoperable Business Registers) achievements: Upgraded platform for EGR 2.0 in ESTAT's secure confidential data environment: over 300 daily users from NSIs and CBs Interactive tools for secure micro-data access and for online collaborative profiling of MNEs An interactive platform for Foreign affiliates statistics (FATS) compilers being used by national statisticians as additional source for the production of statistics

9 2. Achievements 6 ongoing ESS.VIPs
Register's Identification Service, allowing users to identify a LU and obtain its unique identifier, maintained by all NSIs: minimises inconsistencies and increases data quality Profiling of 300 biggest multinationals with the Interactive Profiling Tool (ITP) is progressing well, but prolonged to Oct 2020 Interoperability pilots have started, with 22 countries participating

10 2. Achievements 6 ongoing ESS.VIPs
ESDEN (Eur. Statistical Data Exchange Network): Purpose = the modernisation of the data exchange services across the ESS by upgrading EDAMIS to increase its capacity and improve the interoperability and security. The first phase delivered the necessary communication network for SIMSTAT. The second phase is connecting those that did not participate in the first phase to the secure SIMSTAT network infrastructure + modernisation of the EDAMIS data transmission tool. With FRIBS approaching, the number of countries connecting to secure networks increases

11 2. Achievements 6 ongoing ESS.VIPs
SERV (Shared services for European statistics): Purpose = is to establish a catalogue of common statistical services, such as software solutions, that will be shared across the ESS. Integration into MS systems of reusable services enables faster implementation of new production processes and reduces cost for development and maintenance of information systems 2nd phase: develop software and applications to support ESS Vision projects + governance for shared IT services; these can be used as a "plug and play" tool for analytical work. Interoperability between MS' and tool environment is envisaged

12 3. Supporting frameworks
Quality – QUAL framework: Quality: not just part of ESS Vision 2020, but present in all ESS.VIPs: QUAL framework identified/mapped key quality elements in all ADMIN, BIGD, ESBRs: common quality framework need: statistical output based on multiple sources Dec. 2017: joint project with DIGICOM on user's perception on the quality of European statistics ESS Enterprise Architecture (EA): ESS Enterprise Architecture (EA) enabling systematic and coherent approach to modernise European statistics: supported a.o. architecture alignment for Linked Open Data, ESBRs, Validation

13 4. 3 dedicated deployment projects
3 ESS.VIP projects were finalised … … and entered their deployment phase Validation rules and services: Result ESS.VIP: ESS methodological handbook providing a common business language, version 1.0 of the VTL (validation and transformation language): can be applied to all statistics, either at MS (LFS) or at the European level (ESSPROS) 2018: Version 2.0 ESTP course took place + one for enlargement 5 NSIs work on implementation of the Business Architecture and more to follow

14 4. 3 dedicated deployment projects
IT security framework: Since mid-2017: covering all ESS members (Eurostat, NSIs, ONAs) involved in confidential data exchange by end-2019 Security assurance is a certification process ISO27000 of compliance with ESS IT security framework Grants to help MS improve their security and to harmonise data classification and control practices Intrastat modernisation: After finalisation of SIMSTAT/REDESIGN in 1st half of 2016 further work on legal and technical aspects is ongoing, incl. FRIBS and IT developm.

15 5. Framework regulations
not ESS Vision 2020 … … but modernisation FRIBS (Framework Regulation Integrating Business Statistics): Aim: streamline legislation currently consisting of separate legal acts for various domains Advantages: improve consistency through harmonisation of definitions, breakdowns, more flexibility and responsiveness, modernisation of production, shared tools, burden reduction.

16 5. Framework regulations
CMFB opinion: including ITSS, excluding FDI Basic act to be adopted in 2018 Work ongoing on EBS manual and cross- cutting/domain-specific delegated and implementing acts BSDG discussed strategic issues, such as harmonisation, data requirements, BRs, ITS, date of repeal/implementation/first reference period

17 5. Framework regulations
IESS (Integrated European Social Statistics): Aim: to improve timeliness, match HBS Consumption with SILC Income, enable flexibility and responsiveness, reduce cost 3 framework regulations envisaged: apart from IESS covering labour market and time-use survey, there will be one for demography and the census and one for administrative data collections IESS: approval basic act is expected in 2018 and planned to enter into force in 2019 Meanwhile work is ongoing on the delegated and implementing acts

18 5. Framework regulations cont.
Agriculture: Aim is multi-fold: produce more with less, increase flexibility and responsiveness, improve coherence, better meet user needs, streamline concepts and definitions and reduce burden Two-phase approach: IFS (Integrated Farm Statistics) basic act adopted on 18/7/2018 and work on implementing acts is ongoing: farm level data with micro-data transmission, based on modular approach with core, module and satellite variables; SAIO (Statistics on Agricultural Input/Output) aggregated agricultural input/output statistics with tabular data: Work ongoing with SAIO TF

19 5. Framework regulations cont.
Agriculture: EAA (Economic Accounts for Agriculture) are NA satellite accounts; not integrated in the two framework regulations, but remaining independent legislation

20 Points for discussion Sharing knowledge and experience from the ESS.VIP projects workshops and/or recommending particular ESS.VIPs to others? Particular needs or interests for the coming year?

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