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Romanesque and Gothic Art
Romanesque Art Basic History
Applies to the 11th and 12th centuries in Western Europe. Some factors that contribute to the growth and development are: The threat of Islam had declined in power. The barbarian raids from the north had subsided The eastern tribes were held in check. Christianity was triumphing everywhere in Europe. Most artists during this period designed Church Buildings and Sculptural Decoration. Characterized by its expressive nature and by the religious fervor it represents.
Romanesque Architecture
Built of carefully cut local stone varying in Color and Texture. Entrances at west end and worshipers faced east (symbolically toward Jerusalem.) The nave and transept intersect to form the shape of a Latin cross. The use of vaults created the need for a massive exterior buttress and think walls. Windows were kept small so the walls would not weaken. Therefore, the inside was very dark. The apse included a row of seating for the singing clergy (choir) and large crypts under the seating.
Romanesque Buildings Worms Cathedral Built about 1080-1120
Worms, Germany Strong geometric forms and fortress-like.
Romanesque Buildings Saint-Sernin Built about 1080-1120
Toulouse, France A pilgrimage church built to accommodate large groups.
Romanesque Buildings Sainte-Madeleine Built about 1104-1132
Vezelay, France Use of groin vaults allows for more light inside.
Romanesque Buildings Norte-Dame-la-Grande Built about 1162-1271
Poitiers, France Has many sculptures on the exterior
Romanesque Buildings Complex at Pisa Begun in 1174 Pisa, Italy
Built of white marble
Romanesque Buildings Marksburg Castle Bulit in 12th century
Braubach, Germany Stands on a cliff 495 feet above the Rhine River The main tower is 130 feet tall
Romanesque Sculpture Placed in niches both inside and outside the church Helped people understand the teaching of the church Tympanum – arched area below the arch and above the lintel of a doorway.
Romanesque Sculpture Sainte-Madeleine
The central tympanum contains “The Mission of the Apostles” The huge figure of Christ is placed in the mandorla (an almond-shaped form) The whole composition is crowded and agitated Sculpture work is in relief.
Romanesque Sculpture The Last Judgement
West tympanum of St. Lazare in Autun, France Built about 1130 One of the earliest known sculptures to be signed – GISLEBERTUS HOC FECIT (Gislebertus made this)
Romanesque Paintings and Crafts
Fresco gained popularity. Tapestry work and heavily embroidered panels. Chalice of Abbot Suger Crafted about 1140 Carved from a single piece of sardonyx
Gothic Art Basic History
Massive shift in population during 12th and 13th centuries due to people moving from the countryside into towns. Cathedrals become the religious cultural and social centers of the growing cities. Gothic was first used as a term of ridicule by Renaissance critics. Unity is the key concept in Gothic Architecture.
Gothic Architecture Began when Abbot Suger started to enlarge and redesign his small church. Wanted it to be beautiful and richly decorated as possible because anything less would be unsuitable for God’s House Added huge windows to allow more light. Builders try to make the interior as high as possible, as if reaching toward heaven. The pointed arch provided greater height and more open area. Solid, thick walls were eliminated with the addition of flying buttresses. Rose windows were placed over the main portal.
Gothic Architecture Chartres Catherdral Built about 1194 France
The construction proceeded through four centuries and was never completely finished. Represented the effort of all who gave their labor, skill, and money to build it.
Gothic Architecture Notre Dame Built about 1163-1250 Paris, France
Best known Gothic Catherdral.
Gothic Architecture Cathedral of Reims Built about 1225-1299 France
Kings of France were crowned here.
Gothic Architecture Cathedral of Amiens Begun about 1220 France
Has an interior nave that is 137 feet high.
Gothic Architecture Cathedral of Cologne Begun in 1248 Germany
Largest in the country
Gothic Architecture Salisbury Cathedral Begun in 1220 England
Builders did not desire a soaring effectso few flying buttresses are used.
Gothic Sculpture Return to natural human, animal, and plant forms.
Statues lack a sense of movement in the early Gothic. Toward late Gothic, figures seem free of the columns and are sculpted in the round.
Gothic Sculpture Toledo Cathedral alterpiece About 1498-1504
Toledo, Spain Designed by Peti Juan but carved by artists from Holland, France, Germany, and Spain. Very elaborate detail.
Stained Glass Started with a full-scale line drawing called a cartoon.
Paint applied on glass to create shading, lines and detail. Reds and Blues dominant color schemes.
Late Gothic Painting Most done in manuscript illuminations, like the French Book of Hours. Elaborate and very decorative. Painted in tempera and gold leaf. Giotto (about ) Revived the artwork of nature. Worked in fresco at Arena Chapel.
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