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EOC Review.

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1 EOC Review

2 Day 1: Intro To Geometry Starting with constructions, the most you will see on the EOC is a finished product You need to be able to determine what is being created i.e. perpendicular bisector, ray, parallel line, etc.

3 Day 1: Intro To Geometry Remember Conditional statement The hypothesis is the “if” the Conclusion is the “then” If p then q The Converse If q then p The Inverse If not p then not q The Contrapositive If not q then not p Note: Conditional and Contrapositive go together, Converse and Inverse go together. If one is true the other is true if one is false the other is false

4 Day 1: Intro To Geometry Terms:
Conjecture- Something that needs to be proven; can be true and can be false Theorem- Something that has been proven true for every case Postulate- Something that is accepted as true without proof Axiom- Same definition as postulate Counterexample- An example to prove a conjecture false

5 Day 1: Intro To Geometry Acute Angle: Angle is less than 90
Obtuse Angle: Angle is more than 90 Right Angle: Angle is 90 Complimentary Angles: Angles that sum to 90 Supplementary Angles: Angles that sum to 180 Bisect: To cut in half exactly Labeling Line, Line Segment, Angle, Ray

6 Day 1: Intro To Geometry Important Formulas from Algebra 1
Midpoint 𝑀=( 𝑥 1 + 𝑥 2 2 , 𝑦 1 + 𝑦 2 2 ) Distance 𝐷= ( 𝑥 2 − 𝑥 1 ) 2 + ( 𝑦 2 − 𝑦 1 ) 2 Point-Slope y− 𝑦 1 =𝑚(𝑥− 𝑥 1 ) Slope Intercept 𝑦=𝑚𝑥+𝑏 Slope 𝑚= 𝑦 2 − 𝑦 1 𝑥 2 − 𝑥 1

7 Day 2: Transformations and Intro to Triangles
First Concave & Convex Convex- No angles are greater than 180 in a polygon Concave- 1 or more angles are greater than 180 Vertical Angles Theorem <1≅ <3 𝑎𝑛𝑑 <2≅ <4

8 Day 2: Transformations and Intro to Triangles
Remember Parallel and Perpendicular Parallel Lines never cross and when their slopes are the same Perpendicular lines intersect and form 90˚ angles, the product of their slopes is -1 Ex: are the lines y=5x+4 and 5y=-25x+5 perpendicular or parallel or neither?

9 Day 2: Transformations and Intro to Triangles
A transformation is a change in position, size or shape of a figure on a plane Pre-ImageBefore Image After Rigid Motion- Preserves the size and shape of the figure Translation- Rigid Motion where all the points are moved equal distance Rotation- Rigid Motion and a turn about the center of rotation Labeled as 𝑟 (𝑥∘, 0,0 ) Reflection- Rigid Motion and a flip over a line of reflection See image for notation

10 Day 2: Transformations and Intro to Triangles
Symmetry is a rigid motion that maps the figure onto itself There are different types of symmetry Reflection Symmetry- This occurs when the reflection is the exact same image Rotational Symmetry- This occurs when the image rotates less than 360 degrees and maps onto itself Point Symmetry- This occurs when a 180 degree rotation about a center of rotation maps the figure onto itself

11 Day 2: Transformations and Intro to Triangles
Non Rigid Motion- A transformation that changes the size or shape of an object A dilation is a transformation that changes the size of a figure. It can become larger or smaller, but the shape of the figure does not change. Knowing the scale factor allows you to predict what the image will look like after the dilation If the Center or point of Dilation is at the origin (0,0) then apply the scale factor to the coordinates EX: Dilate the ponts A(0,1), B(3,5), C(5,2) by a scale factor of 3. The center of dilation is (0,0)

12 Day 2: Transformations and Intro to Triangles
Triangles- A closed figure with 3 sides and angles Many different types First with regards to their angles Right- One right angle in the triangle Obtuse- one angle that measures greater than 90 Acute- All angles are less than 90 Next with regards to their sides Equilateral- all sides are equal Scalene- no sides are equal Isosceles- two sides are equal

13 Day 3: Triangles and their Theorems
A lot of theorems you need to know Triangle Midsegment Theorem- The Midsegment divides the triangle sides in half Triangle Sum Theorem- All angles in a triangle add to 180 Triangle Proportionality Theorem- If a line parallel to one side of a triangle intersects the other two sides of the triangle, then the line divides these two sides proportionally. Triangle Inequality Theorem- The sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle is greater than the length of the third side. Triangle Exterior Angle Theorem- exterior angle of a triangle is greater than either of the measures of the remote interior angles l

14 Day 3: Triangles and their Theorems

15 Day 3: Triangles and their Theorems
Congruent Triangle Theorems SSS- Side Side Side Postulate 3 Sides are congruent to each other SAS- Side Angle Side Postulate 2 sides are congruent and the angle in between the sides is congruent ASA- Angle Side Angle Postulate 2 angles are congruent and the side between them is congruent AAS- Angle Angle Side Theorem Two consecutive angles are congruent and the opposite side is congruent also SSA- Side Side Angle Theorem Two consecutive sides are congruent and the opposite angle is also congruent HL- Hypotenuse-Leg Theorem The triangle has a right angle, hypotenuse, and a leg congruent to another triangle

16 Day 3: Triangles and their Theorems
Similar Triangle Theorems

17 Day 4: Lines and Transversals
Corresponding Angles- one inside and outside the parallel lines, same side of transversals <1 and <5 Alternate Interior Angles- Both are inside the parallel lines and on opposite sides of the transversal <3 and <6 Alternate Exterior Angles- Both are outside the parallel lines and on opposite sides of the transversal <1 and <8 Same-Side Interior Angles- Both are inside the parallel lines and on the same side of the transversal <4 and <6

18 Day 5: Special Right Triangles
In any right triangle the Pythagorean Theorem is true 𝑎 2 + 𝑏 2 = 𝑐 2 , where c is the Hypotenuse and a/b are the legs The converse is equally as important The Converse of the Pythagorean Theorem is just flipped around It says if 𝑎 2 + 𝑏 2 = 𝑐 2 then the triangle is Right This also leads us to two other theorems If 𝑎 2 + 𝑏 2 > 𝑐 2 then the triangle is Acute If 𝑎 2 + 𝑏 2 < 𝑐 2 then the triangle is Obtuse

19 Day 5: Special Right Triangles
Now to our Special Right triangles. There are two types This is an isosceles right triangles This is a scalene right triangle

20 Day 5: Special Right Triangles
On to Trigonometry! Remember SOH CAH TOA Sine= Opposite/Hypotenuse Cosine = Adjacent/Hypotenuse Tangent= Opposite/ Adjacent Cosecant= Hypotenuse/ Opposite Secant= Hypotenuse/ Adjacent Cotangent= Adjacent/ Opposite

21 Day 6: Quadrilaterals and Proofs
There are a number of important properties of quadrilaterals Parallelograms Opposite sides are congruent and parallel Opposite angles are congruent Consecutive angles are supplementary Diagonals Bisect each other In a Rhombus All properties of parallelograms apply All sides are congruent Diagonals are perpendicular In a Rectangle All properties of a parallelogram apply All angles are Right Angles Diagonals are congruent In a Square All properties of Rectangles and Rhombuses apply All sides are equal and all angles are right angles

22 Day 6: Quadrilaterals and Proofs
Trapezoid A quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides Isosceles Trapezoid A Trapezoid with one pair of congruent sides and one pair of parallel sides Base Angles are congruent The diagonals are congruent The Midsegment is equal to 1 2 ( 𝑏 1 + 𝑏 2 ) Kite A quadrilateral with two pairs of congruent sides that are consecutive Diagonals are perpendicular

23 Day 6: Quadrilaterals and Proofs

24 Day 6: Quadrilaterals and Proofs
Angle Sum Theorem Opposite Sides in Parallelogram

25 Day 7: Polygons and their formulas
Polygon- A closed geometric figure with sides formed by 3 or more coplanar segments at each endpoint Interior Angles– Angles inside a polygon 𝑛−2 ∗180 This is for the total measure 𝑛−2 ∗180 𝑛 This is for a single angle in a regular polygon Exterior Angles– Angles outside the polygon All exterior angles sum to 360˚ To find a single angle in a regular polygon: 360 𝑛

26 Day 7: Polygons and their formulas

27 Day 7: Polygons and their formulas
Perimeter- Remember to add all the sides for this Area Formulas All polygons can use Area= 1 2 𝑎𝑃 We will use this with area of Pentagons, hexagons, octagons, etc. Triangles Area= 1 2 𝑏ℎ Parallelograms Area=bh Area=𝑙𝑤 Trapezoids Area= 1 2 ( 𝑏 1 + 𝑏 2 )h

28 Day 8: Circles

29 Day 8: Circles Important things to remember about arcs and sectors
Arc measure is equal to the central angle You can calculate arc length and Circumference 𝐴𝑟𝑐 𝐿𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ= 𝜃 360 ∗2𝜋𝑟 C=2𝜋𝑟 You can calculate sectors and area 𝐴=𝜋 𝑟 2 Sector= 𝜃 360 ∗𝜋 𝑟 2 Remember Radian Measure= 𝑎𝑟𝑐 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑢𝑠 To convert Degrees to radians 𝜋 180 To convert Radians to degrees 180 𝜋

30 Day 8: Circles Remember the equation of a circle
(𝑥−ℎ) 2 + (𝑦−𝑘) 2 = 𝑟 2 Where (h,k) is the center of the circle and r is the radius Remember to flip the sign of h and k! You may be required to complete the square

31 Day 8: Circles Inscribed Angle- An angle inside a circle whose vertex is on the circle Intercepted Arc- an arc who is inside the chords of the inscribed angle The measure of an inscribed angle is HALF the intercepted arc measure If a quadrilateral is inscribed a circle the opposite angles are supplementary A tangent is a line that intersects the circle at 1 point Tangents are perpendicular to the radius A chord and tangents angle is half the intercepted arc

32 Day 8: Circles

33 Day 8: Circles

34 Day 8: Circles

35 Day 9: 3D and Modeling First remember

36 Day 9: 3D and Modeling Volumes and Surface Area Formulas

37 Day 9: 3D and Modeling Pyramid Volume Pyramid Surface Area
1/3(lwh) if quadrilateral base 1/3(1/2bh) if triangular base Pyramid Surface Area 1/2Ps+ bh, where P is perimeter and s is slant height: Square base 1/2Ps+ 1/2bh if triangle base

38 Day 9: 3D and Modeling Remember Similar Solids! IXL T.8
If you have a scale factor length and you need to find: Volume Cube it! Surface Area Square it! Cavaleri’s Principle Density= 𝑂𝑏𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡

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