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Good Morning, Bonjour, Worsley Brigade!

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Presentation on theme: "Good Morning, Bonjour, Worsley Brigade!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Morning, Bonjour, Worsley Brigade!
Today is Wednesday March 27, Day 1 Aujourd’hui c’est mercredi le 27 mars, Jour 1

2 Please stand for the playing of O’Canada
S’il vous plaît, levez-vous pour l’hymne nationale

3 Land Acknowledgement Statement
Simcoe County District School Board acknowledges that we are situated on the traditional land of the Anishinaabeg people. We acknowledge the enduring presence of First Nation, Métis and Inuit people on this land and are committed to moving forward in the spirit of reconciliation and respect.

4 Land Acknowledgement Statement
Le conseil scolaire Simcoe County reconnaît que nous sommes situés sur la terre traditionnelle du peuple Anishinaabeg. Nous reconnaissons la présence durable des peuples de Premières Nations, de Métis et d’Inuits sur cette terre et nous sommes dévoués à avancer dans l’esprit de la réconciliation et du respect.

"The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all." - The Emperor of China from "Mulan"

6 Happy birthday today to... Bonne fête aujourd’hui à...
Belated birthday to Alicia D. Claire C. Gillian C. Aimee S. Harlow Levi J. Emily L. Layton L. Watch this quick video clip! .TODAY..... Clio L.

7 Math, maTH, MATH!! Math is amazing - math is everywhere.
This month we will have some fun with MATH JOKES, RIDDLES & PUNS! What do you have to do to make the number seven even? Take out the ‘s’! Math - it’s the only subject that ‘counts’!!

8 MUSIC Our last rehearsal before festival is tonight after school.
If you still need a band shirt, they have arrived! Please make sure you get yours today We will be meeting with your families for a few minutes today after rehearsal to go over some details about the festival tomorrow.

9 * Wellness Break - Grades 5 to 8 students are welcome to come to the library for 2nd recess to have some QUIET down time. The Wellness Break will allow you to settle into a quiet corner in the library to read a book, do some drawing or some quiet, independent activity. No talking, chatting, doing homework, or technology allowed.


11 Does singing bring you JOY? Please, come join us!
Junior & Intermediate CHOIR IS TOMORROW (1st break) ANYONE in grades 3,4,5,6,7,8 is welcome to sign up (this week only). Music Mania is just around the corner. If you are wanting to be a part of that celebration, you need to attend all remaining practices.

12 Environment Club The Environment Club would like to recognize Alicia Day from Ms. Steen’s class. Alicia and her mom shopped around to purchase the forks for pasta Wednesdays. Each week the forks are collected and their family takes them home to wash them for the next week. They do this because they were sad about the waste created from the plastic disposable forks that came with the pasta in the beginning...there are about 140 kids that order pasta each week so that is a lot of forks that are now being diverted from the landfill. Thank you to Alicia and her mom for helping to reduce carbon footprints at Worsley! What can you do to do your part in protecting our Earth? Check out this quick video on climate change

Dress up to show what you are a FAN of!!

14 A reminder to Junior and Intermediates to please stay out of the garden beds. We will be opening the garden this week and jumping on the boxes or into the beds is not allowed. We would appreciate your maturity and respect when in the garden space.

15 Yearbook Cover Contest
Worsley’s 2018/2019 Yearbook Cover Contest Contest Ends Friday April 12th Contest Requirements: Your artwork must be…. on 8.5 X 11 size paper (portrait) in full colour inclusive to all Worsley students submitted on time eye catching creative ORIGINAL And with absolutely no spelling errors please! HAND IN TO MRS. HESSELINK by APRIL 12th

16 Junior Boys Volleyball
There will be a junior boys volleyball tryout today at 1 pm. See you there boys.

17 Chess Club Today Grade 4 to Grade 8
The round robin chess competition will continue in the library today during first break from 10:50 to 11:20. No food or drinks please. Have a snack in your class before you come.

18 CRAFT CLUB will meet tomorrow at afternoon recess in Mme Cameron’s class. We will be working on our tiles. See you then!

19 That’s All Your Announcements For Today,
Have a Warm Wednesday!

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