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Unit 4 The New Republic Ch.9 The Jefferson Era

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1 Unit 4 The New Republic Ch.9 The Jefferson Era 1800-1816

2 (kp) The Election of 1800 Federalists supported President ___________ for a second term and Charles _______________ as Vice President. Republicans nominated Thomas __________________ for president and Aaron _____________ of New York as his running mate. The election campaign of 1800 between Adams/Pickney and Jefferson/Burr was very different from those of today. Candidates and their friends wrote letters to leading citizens and newspapers to spread their views. The Federalists and Republicans fought a bitter letter-writing campaign.

3 (kp) The Election of 1800 The election campaign of 1800 between Adams/Pickney and Jefferson/Burr was very different from those of today. Candidates and their friends wrote _________________ to leading citizens and newspapers to spread their views. The Federalists and Republicans fought a bitter ____________- _______________ campaign.

4 (kp) The Election of 1800 The election was deadlocked. Both Jefferson and Burr received ___ electoral votes, so the _______________ ____ __________________ had to decide the election.

5 (kp) The Election of 1800 The Federalists decided to support Burr to prevent the election of Jefferson. ______________ distrusted Burr but was not a friend of Jefferson either. Finally, at Hamilton’s request, one Federalist voted against Burr, and _________________ became president and Burr Vice President.

6 (kp) The Election of 1800 To avoid another election deadlock, Congress passed the _______________ ______________ in It required electors to vote for the president and vice president on separate ballots.

7 (kp) The Election of 1800 Thomas Jefferson was inaugurated on March 4, In his Inaugural Address, Jefferson tried to close the gap between the _____________ ______________. His goals included “a wise and frugal government” “support of state governments in all their rights”

8 (kp) The Election of 1800 Jefferson was a proponent of _________ ______. He believed strong states would best protect freedom and that a large federal government would threaten liberty. He also believed in __________-________, a policy in which government plays a small role in the economic concerns of a country.

9 Why were the election campaigns of Adams and Jefferson different from campaigns of today?
Discussion Question 1

10 (kp) Jefferson’s Policies
Jefferson surrounded himself with men who shared his _____________ principles. His cabinet had James ____________ as secretary of state and Albert ______________ as secretary of the treasury.

11 (kp) Jefferson’s Policies
Under Jefferson the government allowed the unpopular Alien and Sedition Acts to expire and repealed the _________________ Act. Jefferson and Gallatin reduced the huge national ______. They cut back on military expenses by reducing the size of the _______ and _______.

12 (kp) Jefferson’s Policies
Jefferson and Gallatin also persuaded Congress to repeal federal ___________ taxes, including the whiskey tax. The government funds would come form customs duties or taxes on imported goods, and from the sale of _____________ lands.

13 (kp) Jefferson’s Policies
The number of federal government employees was small under Jefferson. He believed that the responsibility of government should be limited to delivering the ________, collecting _________ _________, and conducting a _________ every 10 years.

14 Jefferson was a wealthy landowner and a slaveholder, although he believed in individual freedoms. He was also an excellent practical politician. Do you think that his views of government would have been different had he not been wealthy? Discussion Question 2

15 (kp) Jefferson and the Courts
The ____________ controlled the court system even though Jefferson was a Repubican. The Federalists passed the __________ ____ of ____ before Jefferson took office.

16 (kp) Jefferson and the Courts
Prior to Adams leaving office, he made hundreds of appointments to the courts. He also appointed ______ ____________, his secreatary of state, as chief justice of the United States after Chief Justice Ellsworth resigned.

17 (kp) Jefferson and the Courts
Adams and Marshall worked around the clock to process the papers (commissions) for these last- minute “__________-________.” A few of the commissions had not been processed when Jefferson took office on March 4. Jefferson told Madison to hold them. One of these was for ___________ ___________.

18 (kp) Jefferson and the Courts
The Supreme Court heard the Case of _________ v. ___________. Marbury went right to the Supreme Court to force delivery of his commission. Marbury claimed that he had jurisdiction as a result of the Judiciary Act of Marshall turned down his claim. Marshall siad that the Constitution did not give the Supreme Court jurisdiction to decide Marbury’s case.

19 (kp) Jefferson and the Courts
(Marbury v. Madison cont.) This was the first time that judicial review was used. _______ __________ is the right of the Supreme Court to review and rule on acts of other branches of government. Today judicial review is a basic part of our government and is a way to ______ and _________ the other branches of government.

20 (kp) Jefferson and the Courts
Under Justice Marshal, who seved as chief justice until 1835, the Supreme Court became an equal partner in government due to judicial review. Under Marshall the court usually upheld the power of the ____________ _____________ over the rights of the states. The Marshall court used many _____________ beliefs in the American system of government.

21 Why did John Adams make so many judicial appointments in the final hours of his presidency?
Discussion Question 3

22 Ch.9 The Jefferson Era Section Two The Louisiana Purchase

23 (Kp) Western Territory
Settlers in the less settled areas of the Northwest Territory and in Kentucky and Tennessee were ___________. They loaded their belongings onto ______________ wagons and made the long, tiring journey over the Appalachian Mountains to the area west of the Mississippi River known as the ___________ ____________.

24 (Kp) Western Territory
The Louisiana Territory belonged to ________. The region extended from New Orleans in the South, West to the ________ ____________. It was undefined to the North. Many pioneers settled near the rivers that fed into the upper _________________ River. The Spanish allowed them to sail on the lower Mississippi and trade in New Orleans. This access allowed farmers to unload goods in New Orleans and then ship these goods to markets in the East.

25 (Kp) Western Territory
In 1802 Spain changed its policy and refused to allow American goods to move into or past New Orleans. Jefferson confirmed that Spain had Louisiana Territory to __________ in a secret agreement. The U.S. was surprised and fearful that _____________ _____________, France’s leader, wanted to increase his empire in Europe and the Americas.

26 (Kp) Western Territory
Jefferson authorized ___________ ____________, the new minister to France, to offer as much as $___ ________ for New Orleans and West Florida.

27 (Kp) Western Territory
Because of the unrest in _______ __________ (now Haiti and the Dominican Republic), Napoleon had to cancel his plans in America. He sent in troops to crush a revolt against French rule. _____________- ________________, a former enslaved African, led the revolt. He helped drive the _______ and __________ from the island and end slavery there. The French captured Louverture but did not regain the island.

28 Why was the Louisiana Territory important to Americans?
Discussion Question 4

29 (Kp) The Nation Expands
American bought the ____________ ____________ from France, not just New Orleans. The French needed money to finance Napoleon’s war against Britain, so while the American diplomats were in France, ______________ informed that the entire Louisiana Territory was for sale. Monroe and Livingston, negotiated a price of $___ million for the territory. With this territory, the size of the United States __________. (read after B1) The U.S. ratified the treaty with France in OCT 1803 to make the LT purchase legal. Jefferson concerned b/c Const. said nothing about acquiring new territory.

30 (Kp) The Nation Expands
Jefferson was interested in knowing more about the lands west of the Mississippi River. He sent _____________ ______ and __________ ________ to explore the new territory even before the Louisiana Purchase was complete.

31 (Kp) The Nation Expands
Jefferson saw the expedition as a ____________ adventure, while Congress was interested in commercial possibilities and placed for future _____. Lewis and Clark put together a crew and left St. Louis in the spring of Along the way they kept a journal of valuable information on ________, _______, ____________, and geography of the West. After traveling nearly 4,000 miles in 18 months, they reached the _________ __________. They spent the winter there and traveled back along different routes.

32 (Kp) The Nation Expands
Jefferson sent another expedition to explore the wilderness. Lieutenant ______________ ______ led two expeditions into a region that is now Colorado. There he found a snowcapped mountain he called Grand Peak. Today it is called ______ ________.

33 (Kp) The Nation Expands
A group of Federalists who opposed the LP planned to _________, or withdraw, from the Union. They were concerned that the new territory would become ______________ and ______________, and because it was so large, they would lose power.

34 (Kp) The Nation Expands
They wanted to form a ____________ ______________ including New York. To get the New York support, the Federalists supported _______ ______ for governor of New York in 1804. ______________ who never trusted Burr, heard rumors that Burr had secretly agreed to lead New York out of the Union. Burr lost the election and blamed Hamilton.

35 (Kp) The Nation Expands
Burr challenged Hamilton to a ______ with armed pistols. It took place in July 1804 in _____________, New Jersey. Hamilton fired first but missed actually injuring Burr. Burr on the other hand, seriously wounded Hamilton, who died the next day. Burr fled so he would not be jailed.

36 What was so valuable about the Lewis and Clark expedition and other expeditions to the West?
Discussion Question 5

37 (kp) Freedom of the Seas
Great Britain and France were involved in a war that threatened to interfere with American trade. America traded with both Britain and France when they went to war in For two years American shipping had ________ ________, or the right to sail the seas because it did not side with either country.

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