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The Resurgence of Conservatism

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1 The Resurgence of Conservatism 1980-1992
Unit 12: Modern America, Cold War, Social Crises, etc.

2 Chapter Themes Leading a conservative movement to power in Washington, Ronal Reagan vigorously pursued new right economic and social policies. Under Reagan and his successor George Bush, these policies brought economic growth and massive budget deficits that put severe constraints on the federal government.

3 Chapter Themes Religion pervaded American politics in the 1980s; especially conspicuous was a coalition of conservative, evangelical Christians known as the religious right – led by Jerry Falwell, an evangelical from Virginia. An organization called the Moral Majority rose to oppose what they viewed as the moral deterioration of American values.

4 Chapter Themes The 1980s saw a revival of Cold War confrontation, but the decade ended with the collapse of Communism, first in Eastern Europe and then in the Soviet Union itself. With the end of the Cold War and the U.S.-led victory over Iraq in the Persian Gulf War, America remained the world’s only superpower. A series of relatively small military interventions in the Caribbean, Africa, and the Balkans raised questions about the proper use of American force in the underdeveloped world.

5 Ronald Reagan Raised before the upheavals of the 1960s New Right
Opposed government activism Actor, spokesperson, politician Role in the Red Scare of 1950s

6 Democratic Split ABC movement in Democratic Party Edward Kennedy
Liberal wing Chappaquiddick

7 Election of 1980 Disaffection with Carter
Reagan’s skill as a campaigner Senate gained control of the Senate Carter’s post presidential record

8 Conservative Shift Alliance with Margaret Thatcher
Proposition California Boll weevils: southern conservative democrats

9 Supply Side Economics Recaptured the power of the presidency
Tax cuts and budgetary discipline stimulate business investment and consumer spending Deepest recession since the 1930s 11% unemployment Partially due to tight money of 1979

10 Trickle Down Economics

11 Impact of Supply Side Economics
Uneven economic recovery Growing income gap Conspicuous consumption Economic growth tied to massive military spending $2 trillion Increased deficit spending Rising dollar led to trade deficits

12 Cold War Politics Negotiate from a position of strength
Strategic Defense Initiative Soviet response to Solidarity movement in Poland Leadership changes in USSR

13 Foreign Unrest – Middle East
Israeli settlements in the West Bank 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon Defeat unraveled Lebanon U.S. part of peace keeping mission 1983 suicide bomb attack on Marine barracks

14 Foreign Unrest – Latin America
Nicaraguan Sandinistas Leftist revolution Covert aid including CIA harbor - mining operations and aid to the contras U.S. military “advisers” sent to El Salvador Invasion of Grenada

15 Election of 1984 Democratic ticket – former V.P. Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro First woman nominated to the national ticket Landslide victory for Reagan

16 Change in Soviet Leadership
Gorbachev signals change in the Soviet Union Economic health depended on an end to the Cold War Perestroika Glasnost

17 Thawing Cold War Relations
Four summit meetings Geneva, Reykjavik, Washington, and Moscow Intermediate-Range-Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty

18 Iran-Contra American hostages in Lebanon
Congressional refusal to aid the contra rebels in Nicaragua Arms deal to Iran, funnel money to contras Reagan claimed to be unaware of deal Portrayed as inattentive and uninvolved

19 Reagan’s Economic Legacy

20 Reagan’s Economic Legacy

21 Religious Right Religion in American politics Moral Majority
Jerry Falwell Oppose abortion, sexual permissiveness, gay rights, feminism Use of televangelists Use of tactics developed in the civil rights movements of the 1960s

22 Supreme Court Conservatism
Appointment of Sandra Day O’Connor Roll back affirmative action and limit access to abortion Ward’s Cove Packing v. Antonia Martin v. Wilks Webster v. Reproductive Heath Services Growing militancy in the battle over abortion rights

23 Waning Reagan Revolution?
Black Monday Savings and Loan crisis Foreign debt exposure Rejection of ultraconservative Supreme Court nominee

24 Democratic Challenge Democratic midterm victory
“Seven Dwarfs” race for Democratic ticket Gary Hart disgraced Jesse Jackson and the rainbow coalition Michael Dukakis wins nomination

25 Election of 1988 V.P. George H. W. Bush easily wins nomination
Ran on Reagan record

26 Changes in Asia and Europe
Tiananmen Square Solidarity movement in Poland Fall of communist regimes Unification of Germany

27 The End of the Soviet Union
August 1991: military coup Gorbrachev resigns Commonwealth of Independent States Democratic reforms Free-market economy START II accord Ethnic warfare Economic downturn as a result of end of Cold War

28 Crisis in the Persian Gulf
Arrest of Manuel Noriega in Panama Saddam Hussein – Iraqi invasion of Kuwait Former U.S. ally Operation Desert Storm Mission successful but Saddam remained in power

29 Bush I Domestic Policies
American with Disabilities Act Water Project – environmental legislation Nomination of Clarence Thomas Republican social agenda losing support Economic downturn Broke campaign promise not to raise taxes

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