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Ch. 2 Review Part II J E T S !

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2 Ch. 2 Review Part II J E T S ! 100 200 300 400 500


4 A: Topic 1: 100 ANACONDA PLAN

5 Topic 1: 200 This was issued by Lincoln where he publically announced he was going to put an end to slavery

6 A: Topic 1: 200 Emancipation Proclamation

7 Topic 1: 300 The last major strong hold on the Mississippi held by the Confederated was __________. Hint the city was put under siege and soldiers were starved out.

8 A: Topic 1: 300 Battle of Vicksburg

9 Topic 1: 400 Sherman led his troops across Georgia, (60 Miles wide) burning and destroying everything was called……….

10 A: Imperialism: 400 Sherman’s March to Sea

11 Imperialism: 500 Lincoln was killed by this person>>>>>

12 A: Imperialism: 500 John Wilkes Booth

13 Topic 2: 100 Abraham was shot in this theater…….

14 A: Topic 2: 100 Ford’s theater

15 Topic 2: 200 The Civil War began at this location

16 A: Topic 2: 200 Fort Sumter

17 Topic 2: 300 The last ditch effort to stop the south from seceding from the union by allowing slavery to continue where it already existed was called__________

18 A: Topic 2: 300 Crittenden’s Compromise

19 Topic 2: 400 People responded to a tax placed on alcohol by attacking distilleries and revenuer men. What was this called?

20 A: Topic 2: 400 Whiskey Rebellion

21 Topic 2: 500 The What two states were involved in the Missouri Compromise?

22 A: Topic 2: 500 Missouri and Maine

23 Topic 3: 100 Attacks took place in the Kansas Territory between pro-slavery and anti-slavery groups. This was called __________.

24 A: Topic 3: 100 Bleeding Kansas

25 Topic 3: 200 This person developed steamships to carry cargo up and down river systems

26 A: Topic 3: 200 Robert Fulton

27 Topic 3: 300 The first 10 Amendment to the constitution are called _________

28 A: Topic 3: 300 Bill of Rights

29 Topic 3: 400 Individuals who are the head departments and advise the president of day to day issues are in the presidents _________

30 A: Topic 3: 400 Cabinet

31 Topic 3: 500 Alexander Hamilton won approval for a national bank by agreeing to ______________.

32 A: Topic 3: 500 Move the nations capital to Washington D.C.

33 Topic 4: 100 _______ ________ began in the late 1700’s and brought large scale manufacturing using complex machines and factories for production.

34 A: Topic 4: 100 Industrial Revolution

35 Topic 4: 200 Slaves made up what percentage of the population in the south?

36 A: Topic 4: 200 40%

37 Topic 4: 300 This act overturned the Missouri Compromise and allowed slavery in the new territories out west. What was this act called?

38 A: Topic 4: 300 Kansas Nebraska Act

39 Topic 4: 400 Forced Military service is called ______

40 A: Topic 4: 400 Conscription

41 Topic 4: 500 Biscuits eaten by soldiers in the North and the South were called__________ Hint: Teeth Dullers!!

42 A: Topic 4: 500 Hardtacks

43 Topic 5: 100 Due to the creation of the _____ _______, the civil was was considered a “Modern War”.

44 A: Topic 5: 100 Minie Ball

45 Topic 5: 200 Soldiers who were shot often died from the wound or infection?

46 A: Topic 5: 200 Infections

47 Topic 5: 300 This profession was established for women during the Civil War

48 A: Topic 5: 300 Nursing

49 Topic 5: 400 This person invented the telegraph

50 A: Topic 5: 400 Samuel Morris

51 Topic 5: 500 This person founded the Red Cross after Civil War

52 A: Topic 5: 500 Clara Barton

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