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Powerful words.

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Presentation on theme: "Powerful words."— Presentation transcript:

1 Powerful words

2 I hate you… I love you

3 WHY!?!?!?! WHAT is going on??? WHY SO MUCH ANGER and HATE?

4 The World’s struggles of HATE
We focus on our own struggles…then BOOM! The World’s struggles of HATE intrude in our lives!

5 Today we will not answer ALL our questions. However,
We will Pause and Reflect on “WWJD”?

6 emotional response to a
Cross Word Puzzle… “What is a four letter word for a strong emotional response to a difficult person?”

7 WE WILL HEAR today WHY LOVE is our BEST solution for Hate!

8 SCRIPTURE: I Corinthians 13: 4-8 Galatians 3: 26-28 1 John 2: 9-11 Matthew 5: 43-45

9 Realize our EMOTIONS are part of who we are and shape how we respond to HIS Word

10 Today We Have a CHOICE! We have a choice not to allow anger to lead us to HATE.

11 How will we choose Power of HATE… OR Power of Love?

12 Power of HATE: —Dangerous Emotion —Alienates people —Hurts people
—Negates Power of Jesus

13 Why does one Hate? —Been Hurt —Been Wronged —Been Rejected —Been Betrayed

14 What occurred was wrong
BUT as One Holds on to HATE the person or issue continues to HURT YOU

15 Conquer Hate with Love:
FOUR Ways to Conquer Hate with Love: Put situation in context “Stop judging by appearances” John 7:24

16 Conquer Hate with Love:
FOUR Ways to Conquer Hate with Love: 2. FORGIVE! “Be kind, compassionate, forgive” Ephesians 4:32

17 Conquer Hate with Love:
FOUR Ways to Conquer Hate with Love: 3. PRAY for THEM “I tell you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you” Matthew 5: 43-45

18 Conquer Hate with Love:
FOUR Ways to Conquer Hate with Love: 4. ENCOURAGE THEM “Do not let unwholesome talk out of your mouth, only what builds up for their benefit” Ephesians 4:29

19 “The Myth of Greener Grass” Story of Minister Crane Counseling Wife—
Full of Hatred for her Husband

20 Power of LOVE! —Heals Division —Asks for Forgiveness
—Gives Forgiveness —Reaches Out —Affirms Others —Listens —Long Suffering

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