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Matter Matters By: Aliya fantillo.

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Presentation on theme: "Matter Matters By: Aliya fantillo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Matter Matters By: Aliya fantillo

2 What is Matter? Matter is everywhere. Everything has to do with matter. If your touching something, you are touching matter. Matter has to do with mass and volume. Mass: is the amount of matter in the substance. Volume: is the amount of space the substance takes up.

3 Chemical Change This is when something has been changed into a chemical and it can not be reversed. Chemical is when you change a substance and you change it’s characteristics and they can not be changed back. Evaporating is an example of chemical change.

4 Physical Change When an object or substance is physically changed most of the time the object or substance can be changed back to its original form. Freezing, boiling, and melting are all examples of physical change.

5 Define A lot of people already know much about matter and its ways, but the people that do not know about it, it might be hard for them to understand. By making matter visual it helps people understand it in more of an easier way.

6 Dream These are all different ways to share your ideas and work.
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7 Design and deliver This power point is how I chose to design and deliver my ideas, but having different points on matter and everything.

8 Debrief I had trouble understanding, but hen I figured it all out and I realized that it was quiet easy. Power point is a great way to get your point across because it is very easy to make and understand. I could have explained and gave more detail.

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