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Growing IIT-M – Deakin University Partnership

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1 Growing IIT-M – Deakin University Partnership
K. Anand, BS Murty, Dan Fabijanic

2 Priorities Short term / continued rhythm: Outreach in Materials & manufacturing CoE Seminars and workshops, webinars, Online courses, Linked,in, student internships, more joint PhDs, new expansion opportunities Expand IITM-Deakin Collaborations, with the industry Prioritise on high impact verticals for our industries Sustainable manufacture ( mining to finished product) – Wear, refurbishment, efficient manufacture. pollution control Light-weighting – through design and materials / manufacturing. Alloy and Coatings design house Connect to and drive themes of national importance Agro waste to energy & fuels, carbon capture and storage, efficient surfaces (+5% efficiency across industry), Super critical CO2 cycles for power gen and waste heat recovery.

3 Continued rhythm– activities / targets/ outcomes
Short term / continued rhythm: Outreach in Materials manufacturing CoE: Seminars and workshops, webinars, Online courses, Linked,in, student internships, more joint PhDs Activity What Who When where Workshop / conferences Materials & Manufacturing (Q1), Proposed: Advanced Materials characterization & failure analysis (Q2), Alloy design, processing & validation (Q3), Efficient surfaces – or repair and refurbishment(Q4) IIT/Deakin/industry faculty ( ) Last month every quarter @Research Park Explore skype from Deakin too. Identify new areas of collaboration between IIT/Deakin VR, AI, Data analytics, micro forming, manufacturing process, circular economy, org learning Bernard with IIT faculty March 14 + bimonthly follow up on Skype / conference calls Met seminar hall Joint PhDs Call for fresh industry PhDs. Reach out through current industry links. Anand / Murty / Dan to coordinate Ongoing Mahindra, GE, AM, TVS, Murugappa, BF, Tata, FEV Natesan Student Scholarships Get students exposed to cutting edge Groom soft skills - presentations/global audience IIT screens applications, assigns professors and research topics. Seminar by each May – July @ Researh [park / IIT Social media presence Linkedin – IIT/Deakin posts and IIT Deakin Page Anand/Murty/Dan for now Just started Linkedin and

4 Expand IITM+Deakin - industry collaborations

5 Expand IITM+Deakin - industry collaborations
Current COE faculty skills and interests Emerging themes from Industry (need to iterate or make a start) Identify key intersections between Materials & Manufacturing Themes Prioritize (March 14) Drive forward

6 Expand IITM+Deakin - industry collaborations
Technology domains (from faculty profiles) Sustainable mining to manufacture processes Alloy and Coatings Design House Light-weighting (strength to weight ratio, disruptive designs) Functional Materials Composites Functional coatings for specific property requirements Wind turbines, automotive – 2 wheelers, 4 wheelers, Aerospace. T<200C Functionally graded biomaterials. Smart materials, actuation systems , smart glasses Nano technology Nano strengthened materials (ODS, grains, multilayers, particulates for fatigue, creep and impact strength, wear resistance) Nano filled composites. Nano ODS strengthened alloys Nano luminescent materials, core shell structures, nano strengthened glasses, sensors, embedded sensors, release agents, contrast agents HEA Structural alloys, containment alloys, bond coats, corrosion resistance, wear resistance HEA to replace Ti, Steel and Ni based alloys Steels (microalloyed, ODS strengthened) Automotive , power generation boilers, turbomachinery. -25% weight Alloy design Tools (NN, DFT, Thermocalc) Process modeling for reduced defects, extend formability/castability HEA composition design for strength, LCF, Creep, Oxidation resistance and ductility Al, Mg, HEA, steel and Ni based alloys with >20% weight reduction Welding, Hardfacing, coatings Repair / refurbishment / durable& functional surfaces: focus on mining and deformation processes for repair, functional surfaces for emissions control Bond coats, wear resistant hardfacing and coatings, corrosion resistant coatings (sour gas, chlorides). Advanced Manufacturing &process simulation tools (sheet metal, casting, welding, coating, AM) Cross cutting competency that helps drive manufacturing throughput and efficiency, enables new storage architectures, makes light weight structures possible and enables higher efficiency products

7 Prioritize & Implement
Strongest skill sets + strongest industry / country wide pulls Identify at least one potential project in the following categories (Q2 goal)/ drive it to a collaborative program (Q3 goal) Sustainable mining to manufacture – SME / MSME reach out,. Specific consultancy with automotive and mechanical deformation process industries. Light weighting: Leverage on going linkages with automotive companies to identify one collaborative project with direct funding or Imprint / UAY vehicles Alloy & Coatings Design – modelling driven and experimentally backed design tools that helps us tailor materials for specific property requirement (example gamma prime strengthened HEAs, wear & oxidation resistant HEA coatings) Functional materials – Bio materials for implants, smart materials for sensors and actuation, luminescent materials for power to lighting conversion or vice versa.

8 Connect to and drive themes of national importance Agro waste to energy & fuels, carbon capture and storage, efficient surfaces (+5% efficiency across industry), Super critical CO2 cycles for power gen and waste heat recovery.

9 Longer term programs that fill national missions
Stay aligned to national mission statements Look for national / global funding vehicles Prepare whitepapers and form proposal writing teams Aim for at least three proposal submissions by 2019.

10 Potential Areas… Agro waste to energy & fuels
Carbon capture and storage Efficient surfaces (+5% efficiency across industry) Super critical CO2 cycles for power gen and waste heat recovery

11 Thank You!!

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