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Scaling up and institutionalizing the Participatory Budgeting in Albania Sharing ideas.

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Presentation on theme: "Scaling up and institutionalizing the Participatory Budgeting in Albania Sharing ideas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scaling up and institutionalizing the Participatory Budgeting in Albania
Sharing ideas

2 Challenges ahead Is it time to scale up and institutionalize the Participatory Budgeting Process and not let it just a pilot experience?

3 One of the options or combined ones? Other ideas?
If yes - Ways to chose: Only by sharing experience? Working with Ministry of Interior and two Associations to include the PB elements in the budget cycle guideline as obligatory steps in a budget preparation process? Develop separate standard operational guidelines ( SOG) for LGUs to implement the PB, in addition to the Toolkit- as knowledge resource? Allocate modest budget resources to support the PB? One of the options or combined ones? Other ideas?

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