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Chemical Informatics and Cyberinfrastructure Collaboratory

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1 Chemical Informatics and Cyberinfrastructure Collaboratory
Project Meeting, IU Bloomington Oct Geoffrey Fox Computer Science, Informatics, Physics Pervasive Technology Laboratories Indiana University Bloomington IN 47401

2 General Approach – “Chemistry/Bio”
Establish CICC requirements and opportunities from applications including Chemo (Informatics and simulation) and Bio (informatics and complexity) Industry, Government, Research Existing related projects International scope Compile resources/sources of insight Define useful taxonomy to group requirements Abstract and iterate requirements with CS/Grid Define and start early projects November 05 Aim at first draft of joint Chemo/Bio-CS-Grid-Informatics status of field/action plan for CICC January 2006 Need to have few recognized successes and a good plan a year from now to write a good full proposal

3 … … BioInformatics Grid Chemical Informatics Grid Sequencing Tools
Biocomplexity Simulations BIS HTS Tools Quantum Calculations CIS Domain Specific Grids/Services Compute/Supercomputer Information/Knowledge Portals Services Collaboration MIS Instrument/Sensor Application Services Policy Data Access/Storage Metadata Discovery Core Low Level Grid Services Security Messaging Workflow Management Physical Network M(B,C)IS is Molecular (Bio, Chem) Information System supporting specific metadata (CML, CellML, SBML) and physical representations/visualizations

4 General Approach – “CS/Grid”
Divide 15 areas below the “red lines” among CS/Grid/Informatics participants Evaluate existing Chemo/Bio Grids and IT including open source relevant software Compare with other fields Abstract and iterate technology choices/priorities/gaps with Chemo/Bio Strongly prefer “standards” such as WS-*, WS-I, OGSA, GT4 Stress interoperability with other Grids of relevance Identify near term “low-hanging fruit/urgent requirements and opportunities” early November Need Portal, Taverna evaluation …………. Aim at first draft of joint Chemo/Bio-CS/Grid/Informatics status of field/action plan for CICC January 2006

5 General Approach – Principles
How do we fold in research activities into education Chemists educate Informatics researchers in project (and vice-versa) How do we engage broader community such as internal biocomplexity, outside collaborators who can identify important requirements but where insufficient funds for an explicit project Stress international quality and enabling broad participation through standard (adherence/development) and technology Community (virtual organization) Grids Link to (335) Minority-Serving Institutions Cyberinfrastructure Institute How do we best engage external advisors Need to organize into working groups Any other organizational structure needed Who (people, communities, organizations) else should we engage What changes in plans are needed e.g. to exploit today’s comments and hoped for existence of UK center What are our strengths and weaknesses What are greatest risks that full center proposal will not be written well/funded

6 Comments on Grid Components
Support GT4 and WS-I+(+); Support Java and .NET Portals – all services will have a portlet interface Compute Grid -- This is some sort of Condor Grid (as used by Cambridge) Supercomputer Grid -- (extended) TeraGrid Workflow, Metadata, Information Management – learn from Taverna, link with BPEL style workflow, link with other Semantic Grid/metadata services Instruments – learn from CIMA/Reciprocal Net, compare with Sensors in LEAD/SERVOGrid MIS/CIS – See if idea sensible – in any case need CML, LSID, Molecular visualization Application Services – Need a wizard. Support “filters” (Wild) and loosely coupled simulations (Baik) Data – Link to PubChem and Bioinformatics – link to Baik database Discovery – Extended UDDI Security – review any special requirements and status of PubChem, caBIG, myGrid etc, Collaboration, Management, Messaging, Policy -- nothing special needed

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