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Green Wedge Project Leader: Frans van den Akker

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1 Green Wedge Project Leader: Frans van den Akker Researchers: Michel Handgraaf (WUR), Lieke Dreijerink (ECN part of TNO), Eugen Popa (ISPT), Jasmijn Koot (WUR) Partners: WUR, ECN part of TNO Project duration: March 2018 – June 2019 ISPT Cluster: Social Acceptance (ST-20-06) Applicability: The workshop can and will be organized for technology suppliers in different sectors (water, food, etc). Foreseen results Our proposed wedges will lead to insights in communication and they will help suppliers take a different communication approach. Future outlook Suppliers will use energy efficiency as a valid selling point. Status: Ongoing Objective: The Green Wegde project focusses on supplier and buyer communication. It aims at capacity building among SME technology suppliers in order to stimulate the development of green propositions. Motivation: If Dutch installations in the process industry would follow best-practices they could save up to 37% on energy. A previous project called: ‘Green by choice, green by design’ showed that buyers are interested in green features and energy efficiency, but suppliers often do not bring this up. Instead they stick to the financial and technical product aspects. How can this communication be improved? Project scope: Develop and test a workshop for SME technology suppliers. Identify ‘wedges’ based on psychological insights on decision making and negotiation. Check approach in interviews with the suppliers. This project is co-funded with subsidy from the Topsector Energie by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy.

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