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Sentencing and Corrections

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Presentation on theme: "Sentencing and Corrections"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sentencing and Corrections

2 Alternative corrections
Probation- Rehab offenders while protecting the community, no confinement Intermediate Sanctions- Incarceration- Death

3 Intermediate Sanctions
Alternatives to prison- Fines Restitution Forfeiture House arrest Community service Day reporting centers Work release Boot camps

4 Incarceration- Suspended sentence: Federal v. State Jail vs. Prison

5 Corrections and the Court
Issues- limited constitutional rights 1st Amendment- Speech– mail and religious practices 1974- two cases- officials can censor/ open mail 1989-can ban outside publications, for security 4th Amendment- Unreasonable search and seizure Little is unreasonable, for order and security 8th Amendment- Cruel and unusual Jackson v Bishop (1968)- corporal punishment is unconstitutional Estelle v. Gamble (1976)- deliberate indifference to medical needs violates the 8th Rhodes v Chapman (1981)- overcrowding in and of itself is not cruel and unusual 14th Amendment- Equal protection

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