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Copernicus’ revolution

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1 Copernicus’ revolution
Heliocentric model


3 Brahe’s observations

4 Kepler’s 3 laws Brahe’s observations planets’ orbits are eccentric
A planet sweeps out an equal area per equal time interval 3) Period square is proportional to the semi major axis cube

5 Kepler’s 3 laws Shape of orbit Comparison of orbits P2 = Ka3
Rate of change

6 Order within the solar system

7 Venus: a close planet to the Sun

8 Galileo’s proof of heliocentric model
Phases of venus

9 Galileo: inertia & acceleration
Acceleration = rate of change of speed.

10 Galileo’s contributions
Lunar craters, moons of Jupiter, & sunspots

11 Controversy: religion vs science
Holy inquisition Giordano Bruno

12 Scientific method


14 Newton’s first and second laws
Velocity = speed x direction F= mass x acceleration Acceleration is a change in speed or direction

15 Newton’s third laws

16 Angular momentum Angular momentum = mass x speed x radius

17 Conservation of angular momentum

18 Orbital acceleration Acceleration = V2 / r
Measure the magnitude of the force Force= m V2 / r

19 Universal gravitation
G is a constant

20 Age of Enlightenment Newton (1642-1727)
Forces as the agents of change: F = ma Mass as the source of the force of gravitation: F = GMm/r2. g = 9.8 m s-2 for apple at surface of Earth. a = vM2/rM = (2)2rM/PM2 = g/3600 = g/(60)2. g = GME/RE2; get G if know ME. Invention of reflecting telescope Invention of calculus Discovery of colors of white light Invention of spectroscopy Epitaph by Alexander Pope: “Nature and Nature’s laws lay hid in night, God said, ‘Let Newton be,’ and all was light.”

21 Newton: calculus, color, sound, coins

22 Orbits and trajectories
Circular orbit: V2 /R = G M/R2 Period=2p R/V =2p (R3 /GM)1/2

23 Trajectory and orbits

24 Tidal forces

25 Escape speed

26 Gravitation & relativity
Principle of equivalence between force and acceleration

27 Principle of equivalence

28 Warped space time Black holes

29 Bending of light paths Black holes

30 Philosophical implications
observation paradox hypothesis prediction tests inconsistency verification Science and mathematics are axiomatic It works on the principle of self consistency It cannot prove the absolute truth

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