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The People and Their Environment

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Presentation on theme: "The People and Their Environment"— Presentation transcript:

1 The People and Their Environment

2 Sustainable Development
“Technological and economic growth that does not deplete the human and natural resources of a region”

3 Reforestation and Conservation
Taken steps to protect their environments Introduced Reforestation programs Illegal logging operations in Indonesia Sumatra Borneo Destroyed many forests Army may need to be used.

4 A Balance? Planned Resettlement Laos has limited Shifting Cultivation
A method in which farmers clear forests to plant fields, cultivate for a few years, and then abandon Dealing with urban growth’s impact on environment “Green Zones” Areas within each city granted special environmental protection.

5 Human Impact: Urban Environments
Crowded Conditions Inadequate Housing Sanitation Water Supplies Traffic Control Rising Heat, Humidity, and Pollution levels.

6 Rural Areas/ Effects of Industrialization
Water Contaminated due to poor waste disposal Dumping of Toxic Waste A problem Increased Air and Water Pollution

7 Industrial Challenges
Logging: Diminished Regions Forests Mining: Toxic waste dumping. Waste dumped into rivers causing them to flood and change course Fishing: Damage to Coral Reefs from poisons and explosives used to capture fish for “live reef-fish” trade Shipping and Trade: Upper Mekong River Project- alters river, may harm fisheries and agriculture

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