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World War II Chapter 16.

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1 World War II Chapter 16

2 What is Going on in Europe
Nationalism takes hold Why? The economy is in the dump Treaty of Versailles failed USSR ruled by Joseph Stalin (totalitarian) Creates an agricultural and industrial revolution but also rules with an iron fist Benito Mussolini takes control of Italy as the fascist leader Fascism – stressed nationalism and placed the state above individuals Adolf Hitler takes control of Germany under the fascist Nazis

3 Japan Ruled by an emperor but…
At this time (1930s) the militarists truly take control Militarists – People in/or back the military

4 Invasions and Civil War
In 1931 Japan takes over Manchuria This is a large area north of Korea, upset the Chinese Italy expands into Africa (Ethiopia) Francisco Franco wants Spain to become fascist and starts a war there

5 America? Do not want anything to do with Europe
Isolationism Congress passes the Neutrality Act Outlawed the sale of guns and loans to nations at war It did not last very long

6 War in Europe Hitler takes over Austria and Czechoslovakia
No fighting, just took them over Against the Treaty of Versailles Invasion of Poland September 1, 1939 really starts WWII Used the Blitzkrieg – lighting warfare Most of Europe will fall the Nazis Great Britain and the U.S.S.R. are the only countries left that oppose the Nazis by 1941

7 The Holocaust Hitler blamed the Jewish people for all the problems in Germany Many people in Europe dislike the Jewish people before Hitler rose to power (prejudice) At first Hitler tried to send the Jews out of Germany Kristallnacht – “night of broken glass” Nazis attacked Jewish businesses, homes, and synagogues across Germany Many tried to flee to other countries on their own Once again people all around the world did not like the Jews so many are sent back

8 The Holocaust The big problem, Hitler had a growing Jewish population by taking over other countries that Jews fled to escape him They are now sent to camps and ghettos Ghettos are sections of city that only held Jews Camps They started out as labor camps (originally for political opposition) Later they will develop into concentration camps (death camps)

9 The Holocaust Hitler called for his “Final Solution”
The death for all Jews Actually they started by shooting them But it was too traumatic for the Nazis doing the shooting They started to use poisons gases (Zyklon B) Had issues with disposing of the bodies settled on giant kilns that would cremate them

10 America FDR needed to do something so he takes small steps
Warned the Axis Powers (Japan, Germany, and Italy) were dangerous Starts to build the U.S. defenses Men between the ages of are called up to service (military) FDR is elected to a third term

11 America Lend-Lease Act – giving supplies to the Allied powers, primarily Britain but some to USSR It was harder to get goods to Russia because of their location Germany sinks US ships FDR is mad and tells Hitler to stop He does not So FDR tells American ships to sink the Germans

12 America Atlantic Charter – This was meant to keep the sea open and free Followed the Treaty of Versailles and justified America attacking the Germans Hideki Tojo – defacto leader of Japan AMERICA GOES TO WAR!!

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