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Revelation Part 3 Lesson 2.

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1 Revelation Part 3 Lesson 2

2 Revelation 11 Court Temple Holy City Temple is measured
The altar and worshipers are measured Court outside NOT measured: it is given to the nations and they will tread the Holy City for 42 months/3 ½ years MAYBE: refers to the time AFTER 7th trumpet Israel is almost always NOT included in “the nations”. In Revelation 11 it is clear she is not Outer court is for the Gentiles

3 Rev. 11 Two Witnesses They prophesy for 1,260 days/3 ½ years
During this time: Sky shut up/no rain During this time: Water is turned to blood During this time: They strike the earth with plagues During this time: They torment those who dwell on the earth End of their time: Beast kills them, their bodies not buried. Their death and ascension occur at the end of the 6th trumpet. Time line: Before the 7th trumpet – 3 ½ years

4 7th Trumpet *The time the nations tread the holy city and court could be the same time as 2 witnesses* Kingdom of the world becomes the kingdom of God and of His Christ, Messiah (11:15) Time for the dead to be judged and God’s wrath has come (11:18) Time to destroy those who destroy the earth Time to reward His bondservants: the prophets and the saints (11:18) 3rd Woe: 7th angel brings in this 3rd woe (11:14) Temple in heaven opens; ark appears (11:19)

5 Revelation 12 Two signs in heaven: Woman and dragon Woman = Israel
NOT Mary because of 12:6, 13-17 NOT the church: Jesus didn’t come from the church; it came AFTER Him and His ascension Child = Jesus Messiah Dragon = Serpent of old, devil, Satan, constant accuser of the brethren (12:9-10) At some time, Satan takes 1/3 of the stars, angels, and they are thrown to the earth

6 Revelation 12 Satan tries to devour the child: could be when Herod killed the babies after the Magi told him Christ had been born (Matt. 2:16-18) Michael and his angels win the battle with Satan and his demons and throw them to earth (12:7-9 explain 12:3-4) Compare Rev. 12:10 to 11:15-17 The 7th trumpet sounded (11:15), temple in heaven opened (11:19), then 2 signs appear Maybe: 3rd Woe is the devil’s presence on earth

7 Revelation 12 WHEN he is thrown to earth, he persecutes the woman, Israel, but she flees into the wilderness, prepared for her, and is nourished for 1,260 days/3 ½ years/42 mo. Devil’s attempt to sweep her away with a flood does not work Devil is enraged and makes war with the rest of her offspring – Jews Jews who keep God’s commandments Jews who hold to the testimony of Jesus during this time (12:17 and 14:12)

8 Revelation 13 Dragon/Devil gives his power, throne and authority to a beast for 42 months (vs.5) Beast makes war with the saints which might refer to the rest of her offspring Beast described: 10 horns, 10 diadems, 7 heads with blasphemous names Dragon described in 12:3 (7 diadems) Like a leopard, feet like a bear, mouth like a lion with which he speaks arrogant words and blasphemies (vs. 5) for 42 months Last reference to 42 months is 11:2 (court)

9 Revelation 13 Beast has a fatal wound, on one of his heads, that has been healed, amazing the earth Earth worships the devil and his beast Review events of chapters 11-12 9:1-2 the 5th angel gives the Fallen star from heaven, Satan the key to the BP/Abyss. 11:7 Beast from the Abyss kills 2 witnesses 12:9 Dragon/ Satan, serpent of old, constant accuser of the brethren, deceiver of the whole world, pursecutor of the woman is thrown down to earth.

10 Revelation 13 Devil empowers the beast who has 10 horns, 10 diadems and 7 heads for 42 months – over every tribe, people, tongue and nation He wars with the saints for those 42 months Same 42 months the woman is nourished Whole earth follows him – those whose names are NOT written in the Lamb’s book of life Holy city Jerusalem and the temple court are tread under foot for 42 months

11 Revelation 13:11-18 Main characters: 2nd beast who resembles a lamb, but speaks lies of the devil (vs. 11) 2nd beast is a false prophet 2nd beast performs signs 2nd beast orders an idol made of 1st beast 2nd beast gives idol breath, life, then commands people to worship it or die Get mark to buy and sell or die Number of 1st beast is 666 – number of man

12 Revelation 14 Vs. 1-5 144,000 now in heaven
First fruits of Israel purchased from the earth COULD be that these 144,000 were killed by the beast because they wouldn’t worship idol “The rest of her offspring” could apply to them and he makes war with them Vs Six angels are mentioned 1st angel: Preaches the eternal gospel to the nations 2nd angel: Proclaims Babylon’s fall

13 Revelation 14 3rd angel proclaims consequences for those that take the mark of the beast 4th angel says the hour to reap the earth has come 5th angel has a sharp sickle 6th angel calls for the 5th to gather the grapes One like a son of man, sitting on a cloud, with a golden crown reaps the earth Wine press of God’s wrath: outside the city Blood: flows 200 miles, up to horses’ bridle

14 Application GOD controls all these events
GOD decides when all these events happen GOD reveals the future to His servants GOD’s mystery WILL be finished in His fullness of time GOD has a kingdom that WILL come GOD rules over all GOD rules over your life, whether you like it, approve of it, agree with it…..or not How will you respond to His authority?

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