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  Advanced Tools to Assess Managed Toll Lane Operations Model Task Force Toll Subcommittee Meeting September 16, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "  Advanced Tools to Assess Managed Toll Lane Operations Model Task Force Toll Subcommittee Meeting September 16, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1   Advanced Tools to Assess Managed Toll Lane Operations Model Task Force Toll Subcommittee Meeting September 16, 2010

2 Potential Tools Sketch planning Macroscopic simulation
FITSEVAL developed for FDOT is currently integrated with SERPM Based on static assignment Macroscopic simulation Dynamic traffic assignment/mesoscopic simulation Advanced Tools for Freight Corridor Management Project Microscopic simulation

3 Advanced Tool Project Tasks
Literature review Data collection (conventional and ITS) Development of a conversion tool to convert a statewide model network and matrices to Dynasmart/DynusT format Development of a procedure to convert the daily trip matrices to time-variant (e.g., 15 minute trip matrices) Calibrate the traffic flow model of DynusT using ITS data Illustration of the utilization of the tools to assess the benefits of two advanced strategies (Truck Tool Lanes and ATIS) Incorporation of post processing modulus for performance measure calculations

4 Truck/Tool Lane Dynasmart does not provide the option to specify toll values for trucks that are different from other vehicle types. Fortunately, enhancements in DynusT overcome this problem. As mentioned before, DynusT is the software used in this study.

5 Hypothetical Network 5

6 Hypothetical Network - Volumes

7 Hypothetical Network – TT

8 Jacksonville Network Screening

9 Jacksonville Network Screening

10 Truck Lane Alternatives

11 Results 11 Alternative VOT TOLL Speed(mph) Travel Time(Min)
Utilization Rate 1 40.00 0.25$ 70.44 8.65 13.59 2 70.80 9.58 33.44 11

12 Truck Trip Distribution

13 Current Efforts Use of Dynamic Traffic Assignment in FSUTMS in Support of Transportation Planning in Florida Integrated Environment for Performance Measurements and Assessment of Intelligent Transportation Systems Operations

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