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Writing and Funding a Research Proposal

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Presentation on theme: "Writing and Funding a Research Proposal"— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing and Funding a Research Proposal
Organize a team and designate a leader. Follow the guidelines of the funding agency. Establish a timetable and meet periodically. Find a model proposal. Work from an outline on a word processor. Elements Of A Proposal -Title -Abstract -Budget: all details -Specific objectives(the research question) -Significance(Preliminary studies and competence of the investigators) -References -Appendixes

2 Characteristics Of Good Proposals
1- Overall quality of the study Good research question Appropriate and efficient design Rigorous and feasible methods Qualified research team

3 2- Specific Section Informative title
Self –sufficient and convincing abstract Specific aim that states the research question clearly Relevant previous work, expertise, pilot studies Appropriate measurements and intervention methods Scholarly & relevant pertinent background and rationale Tight budget and Realistic time table Good pretest and quality control Scientific analysis plan Adequate sample size Ethical issues well addressed

4 3- Quality of the presentation
Clear, concise, well-organized Good schematic diagrams and tables Table of contents and subheadings Neat and free of errors

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