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WHAT IS FRIENDSHIP?? Aristotle and Friendship Aristotle, the bearded gent from two slides ago, had some very particular notions regarding friendship.

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4 Aristotle and Friendship
Aristotle, the bearded gent from two slides ago, had some very particular notions regarding friendship and man’s nature to befriend one another. Aristotle had a word for friendship that he called “Philia” (φιλία) Philia meant something more akin to what we would call “love” today, as it was a serious warmth towards someone.

5 Aristotle’s 3 Friendship Types
Aristotle proposed that there are three different forms of friendship, each suited to an overall purpose as to why you are friends with the person in question. The three types are: Utility Pleasure Goodness

6 Utility Aristotle posits that the first type of friendship is that of Utility In this, he suggests that the friendship arises from a particular use or purpose one friend garners from another. Let’s be honest, this one does not really sound like true friendship, but more of a partnership or alliance. After all, do you really need to even like a person- let alone love- them in order to engage in this type of friendship??

7 What are some examples of Utility friendships???

8 Why are friendships based on Utility not “True” friendships??

9 Pleasure In Aristotle’s second type of friendship centers around the principle of Pleasure Don’t get too excited now… Now, I know what you’re thinking: “How could this one possibly be bad?” “What could be wrong with being friends with someone who is pleasing to be around?” But let’s allow ourselves to think this one through- if we are friends with someone solely because of the fun and pleasurable experiences that we have when we are in their presence, is that truly friendship??

10 Let’s sound off a few easy examples of Pleasure-based friends

11 Why are friendships based on Pleasure not “True” friendships??

12 Then what???? If we’re not “True” friends with someone for the benefits that they bring to our lives, nor for the pleasurable experiences that we share, then what in the world makes us friends with someone in the truest sense?

13 Aristotle’s Third and FINAL Mode of Friendship
Aristotle’s third, final, and, in many ways, definitive type of friendship is that of Goodness. This type of friendship is when friends love one another and call each other friends simply for their own sake By this, Aristotle means that the friends care for one another regardless of the presence of any inherent usefulness or need to constantly be having fun. These are the friends who you have that you can call upon at 3am when you’ve just been dumped. These are the friends who you can chill out together, without saying a single word, and simply be content in each other’s company. They don’t have to be useful, they don’t have to make every moment a party, they’re just your friend because you love them… for them.

14 Your turn Now, please take this section in your notes to jot down what traits one would need in order to be YOUR friend. What kind of character and behavior does one exemplify if they are to share Philia with you???

15 Questions???

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