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A collective impact initiative supported by:

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1 A collective impact initiative supported by:
(CC) In light of the needs assessment update you received last month, Lyle requested that we take you all a bit deeper this month and give some insight into the ways in which our collective impact initiatives are working actively with agencies across to county to address some of the issues facing our community. Today we’re going to discuss the strategic plan of the DCHLT, the development and implementation of Coordinated Entry over the past year, and then we’re going to engage you in an activity at your tables and give you a glimpse into the long-term planning we have ahead of us. (CC) After the DCHLT presentation to council 7/25/17, the City of Denton city council voted to continue to fund my position, as well as the Coordinated Entry Initiative; additionally, the COD Human Services Committee recommended to council that $18k of HMIS Technical/Training Support funding be allocated to UWDC; the City of Lewisville has also allocated $4,000 for Coordinated Entry (CC) Katherine Gonzales officially began as the Homelessness Initiatives Coordinator August 21st A collective impact initiative supported by:

2 Denton County Homelessness Leadership Team (DCHLT)
Vision Every person in Denton County has a place to call home that is safe, affordable, accessible and supported by community resources. Mission The Denton County Homelessness Leadership Team fosters an effective and coordinated system of homelessness prevention and intervention, resulting in homelessness that is rare, brief and nonrecurring through: Community awareness and connection Data-driven, evidenced-based, fiscally responsible recommendations Innovative solutions around affordable housing, access to primary and behavioral health care services, adequate incomes and coordinated services Mobilizing, advocating and empowering public-private community-wide collaboration (CC Read as a refresher)

3 DCHLT Strategic Plan (CC) – Briefly explain format for strategic plan; approved by DCHLT March 2017

4 DCHLT Strategic Plan: Housing Workgroup
Goal: Increase Access to Housing for Residents of Denton County: Identify Unmet Housing Needs Expand Housing Capacity Foster Housing Stability Influence Public Policy Seek Funding (CC) Very briefly, the DCHLT Housing Workgroup’s strategic goal is __________, and the objectives set to achieve that goal are ____________________ (CC) In regards to that second objective, the workgroup is currently developing some landlord outreach initiatives which include improving interactions with the landlord and property manager community, and to utilize Risk Management funds to incentivize landlords to accept clients they may perceive as a risk given their criminal or credit histories. (DS) A recent development that will assist in this is the approval of the Denton County Homelessness Leadership for UWDC to act as fiscal agent for the Denton County Homeless Coalition Dani explain client assistance and risk management sides of the Barriers Fund DHA committing $250k, hopefully annually, that could support this type of thing (DS) Housing Policy Discussion – not happening now bc it’s difficult and takes a lot of mobilization, but needs to happen along with all the other work we’re doing or else we’re right back where we are

5 DCHLT Strategic Plan: Data Workgroup
Goal: Continuous Improvement of Homeless Data Management in Denton County: Implement Coordinated Entry Determine Housing Need Develop/Maintain Homeless Data Dashboard Seek Funding (DS) Review Data Workgroup Goal: Workgroup prioritizing a way to get the data we need Coordinated Entry is the way to do it DANI – YOU CAN BLEED OVER INTO NEXT SLIDE IF YOU WANT

6 DCHLT: Coordinated Entry
(CC) Coordinated Entry/Current Data Common Assessment Tool – clients are assessed, scored, referred and prioritized; this data allows providers to prioritize the most vulnerable, and allows us to identify the most common housing needs via the ‘Housing Priority List’

7 DCHLT: Data Management
Completed Assessments in HMIS Housing Needs Diversion (0-3) 106 22.6% Rapid Re-housing (4-7) 264 56.3% Permanent Supportive (8+) 99 21.1% 2015 29 2016 27 2017 469 (CC) Coordinated Entry/Current Data We’ve seen a significant increase in the completion of these common assessments in HMIS this year as a result of Coordinated Entry implementation We’ve also been able to start analyzing trends within the data to determine the prevalence of different levels of housing needs This data tells us a few things: We need to better equip our case management staff in diversion techniques The majority of our need are people in need of rapid re-housing

8 DCHLT: Data Management
Rapid Re-housing Need HMIS YTD HMIS Monthly Average ESG Annual ESG Monthly Average Unmet Need Annual Unmet Need Monthly 264 29 161 13 103 16 (CC) Coordinated Entry/Current Data If we dial down even further into the data, we can start planning for the future To date, the monthly average of households with RRH needs is approximately 29 Based on the numbers we submitted, as a community, in our most recent ESG application, we’ve committed to housing about 16 households a month using RRH dollars from the ESG grant From there we’re able to identify a theoretical unmet need of roughly 13 households a month – that’s 16 households still in need of RRH a month in Denton County I have more bad news: we already know it’s going to be a struggle housing the 13 households we know we will (potentially) have funding for So I’m going to pass it over to Dani for an round table problem solving activity, and you’re going to get to help us plan strategically for the future. Remember from your needs assessment presentation last month – Denton County is projected to grow 358% in the next 30 years, so the sooner we identify these crucial solutions, the better!

9 DCHLT: Future of Housing in Denton County
ROUND ROBIN ACTIVITY What is the challenge? Propose a solution. Why will the solution fail? Fix it! Dani leads Round Robin activity

10 Questions. Denton County Homeless Coalition www. endhomelessnessdenton
Questions? Denton County Homeless Coalition Denton County Homelessness Leadership Team: Point-In-Time Report:

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