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PRELIMINARY BUDGET Melanie Gehrens, Ed.D. Superintendent

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1 2019-2020 PRELIMINARY BUDGET Melanie Gehrens, Ed.D. Superintendent
Joshua Sweigard Business Manager March 12, 2019


3 MISSION STATEMENT Bristol Township School District will prepare and empower our students to be productive, competitive members in an ever-changing global society

4 District Beliefs We believe all individuals can learn and achieve.
We believe understanding and respecting diversity strengthens our educational community. We believe a safe and healthy learning environment for all is essential for success. We believe in providing high-quality, standards-based instruction for all students. We believe an effective partnership of families, staff and community will improve opportunities for student success. We believe students will be empowered to become life-long learners and effective members of society. We believe all successes should be acknowledged and celebrated.

TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES $ 137,086,589 $ ,677,806 TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES $ 141,579,009 $ ,872,700 SURPLUS/(SHORTAGE) $ (4,492,420) $ (3,194,894)


7 BUDGET OVERVIEW Preliminary State budget has nominal increases
Expenditures: State mandated costs and health insurance costs continue to outpace revenue growth and include: Health Insurance Premiums Charter School Tuitions Special Education Costs PSERS Retirement Contribution Rates Costs mandated by the Commonwealth and other outside institutions continue to drive up costs in the District at a rate that outpaces the District’s taxing ability. In order of most to least costly to the District: PSERS Retirement Contribution Rates Health Care Costs Special Education Charter School Tutions

Revenues: Preliminary budget does not include a real estate tax increase State revenues to increase due to: Increase in PSERS and Payroll Tax reimbursement to match ~50% of what BTSD pays Slight increases in Basic Education Subsidies Federal revenues expected to remain flat Preliminary budget does not include any RE tax increases Local tax revenues anticipated to be flat from year to year due to little growth in assessed values. State tax revenues expected to increase partially due to Governor Tom Wolf’s budget which includes increases in the Basic Education Subsidy and Special Education Funding. Decreases are budgeted in Transportation. State revenues will continue to increase for their share of retirement contributions and social security. Federal revenues continue to remain flat.

9 YEAR TO YEAR: Expenditures
FINAL BUDGET TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ ,272,000 HEALTH CARE COSTS 786,149 CHARTER SCHOOLS 575,249 SPECIAL EDUCATION 419,757 RETIREMENT 391,508 CBA CONTRACTUAL SALARY INCREASES 262,487 ALL OTHER BUDGETED DISTRICT COSTS 165,550 BUDGETED TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ ,872,700 How did we get here? Retirement – PSERS as discussed Debt Service – 2017 Bond issue is the primary reason for the increase Level of debt service at BTSD is average compared to all Bucks County school districts. Salary increases per bargaining unit contracts, less agreed upon cost sharing of medical expenses Health care premiums increased by 7% - some savings were realized by enrollment reductions. Special Education non-salary costs primarily include tuitions and services provided by the IU ATVS number is a contingency, numbers from ATVS typically don’t arrive until March/April. * RETIREMENT TO BE OFFSET BY STATE CONTRIBUTION OF $393,075, NET COST $393,075

Where is the District’s money spent? Most of the District’s budget is for Salaries and Personnel costs. Tuition to other schools includes tuition paid to ATVS and PA Charter Schools. Also includes tuition to other public schools for shared education costs. Tuition to other schools also incudes transportation services. Purchased instruction services includes payments for shared education with Bucks Co IU and other special education services.

Actual Budget PENSION $ 13,786,033 $ 15,203,927 $ 16,590,296 $ 17,471,365 $ 18,353,501 $ 18,745,009 SPECIAL EDUCATION (NON-SALARY) $ 12,837,465 $ 14,220,165 $ 14,734,573 $ 15,687,466 $ 15,890,886 $ 16,310,643 CHARTER SCHOOLS $ 5,394,490 $ 4,759,442 $ 5,962,849 $ 5,552,903 $ 5,627,903 $ 6,203,152 HEALTH CARE COSTS, NET $ 10,626,933 $ 10,967,085 $ 11,519,369 $ 10,930,949 $ 11,512,343 $ 12,298,492 DEBT SERVICE $ 8,275,798 $ 9,098,111 $ 9,909,837 $ 9,864,201 $ 10,453,814 $ 10,429,421 DISTRICT OTHER EXPENSES $ 77,240,915 $ 76,346,394 $ 75,039,548 $ 77,862,902 $ 79,433,553 $ 79,885,983 TOTAL DISTRICT EXPENDITURES $128,161,634 $130,595,124 $133,756,472 $137,369,786 $141,272,000 $143,872,700 The table shows the largest cost drivers in the District from They include: Pension Special Ed Charter Schools Health Care Debt Service All other costs in the District have been cut or relatively flat over this period of time.

12 HISTORICAL COST DRIVERS 2011-2012 TO 2019-2020
Graphical representation of the direction and rate at which costs are increasing.

Red column is the current year. We are near the top of the curve, however the top of the curve keeps changing.

14 Aggregate Debt Service
BTSD Debt Schedule TOTAL PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST Period Ending Series of 2003 Note Series of 2013 Series of 2016 Series of 2017 Aggregate Debt Service 6/30/2017 $ ,720.00 $ 7,660,550.00 $ ,933.71 $ ,820.00 $ ,703,468.39 6/30/2018 72,520.00 7,660,350.00 590,705.00 1,163,780.00 9,888,794.73 6/30/2019 72,240.00 7,663,250.00 594,705.00 1,681,880.00 10,410,240.60 6/30/2020 71,880.00 8,010,500.00 593,105.00 1,679,380.00 10,354,865.00 6/30/2021 72,420.00 8,010,000.00 591,105.00 1,688,880.00 10,362,405.00 6/30/2022 71,860.00 8,012,160.00 593,705.00 1,684,920.00 10,362,645.00 6/30/2023 72,200.00 8,007,110.00 593,955.00 1,678,990.00 10,352,255.00 6/30/2024 8,009,297.50 593,905.00 1,681,165.00 10,356,787.50 6/30/2025 - 8,084,685.00 591,315.00 1,667,165.00 10,343,165.00 6/30/2026 8,082,685.00 593,002.50 1,675,615.00 10,351,302.50 6/30/2027 8,083,485.00 594,002.50 1,671,495.00 10,348,982.50 6/30/2028 8,081,985.00 594,290.00 1,670,475.00 10,346,750.00 6/30/2029 8,083,785.00 593,840.00 1,667,737.50 10,345,362.50 6/30/2030 8,081,397.50 592,140.00 1,667,562.50 10,341,100.00 6/30/2031 8,083,510.00 595,140.00 1,664,862.50 10,343,512.50 6/30/2032 8,084,335.00 592,690.00 1,659,550.00 10,336,575.00 6/30/2033 8,082,060.00 594,940.00 1,654,950.00 10,331,950.00 6/30/2034 8,083,437.50 595,640.00 1,653,550.00 10,332,627.50 6/30/2035 8,081,350.00 590,852.50 1,655,150.00 10,327,352.50 6/30/2036 8,081,762.50 590,740.00 1,649,950.00 10,322,452.50 6/30/2037 8,083,000.00 1,647,750.00 10,325,890.00 6/30/2038 8,084,275.00 592,390.00 1,648,350.00 10,325,015.00 6/30/2039 8,084,775.00 594,107.50 1,646,750.00 10,325,632.50 6/30/2040 8,080,275.00 595,115.00 1,628,250.00 10,303,640.00 6/30/2041 595,412.50 1,626,000.00 10,301,687.50 6/30/2042 8,086,450.00 1,620,000.00 9,706,450.00 6/30/2043 8,083,200.00 $ ,100.00 $224,371,995.00 $ 14,833,876.21 $ 42,369,144.83 $ 283,828,896.60

While mandated costs, and other costs have increased, the District’s other expenses remain relatively flat. Other expenses include salaries, benefits not including retirement and health, books, operations, transportation, athletics.

2.10% 18.76% 2.20% 20.40% 2.70% 14.55% 2.40% 16.22% 3.10% 8.71% 3.30% 9.12% 3.34% 3.00% 3.47% Average cost increases compared to ACT 1.

17 BUDGET NOTES Staffing is currently budgeted in line with 2017-2018
No attritional savings have been included Certain expenditures include worst case scenarios No increases budgeted for unsettled contracts

18 BUDGET NOTES Still waiting on final federal revenue budget to be released – will directly impact the programs they fund

19 17 - 18 Actual 18 - 19 Budget 19 - 20 Budget
1100 Regular Education 100 Salaries 27,647,325 29,611,481 29,609,981 200 Benefits 18,129,970 19,415,774 20,149,742 300 Purch Prof & Tech Srvs 604,229 755,900 400 Purch Property Srvs 1,664 11,109 7,109 500 Other Purchased Srvs 3,100,702 3,397,994 3,224,643 600 Supplies 749,065 810,209 851,905 700 Property 44,985 10,189 800 Other Objects 360 50,278,300 54,012,656 54,609,469 1200 Special Education 9,228,503 9,491,500 9,491,851 5,916,107 6,231,463 6,469,140 10,813,561 11,625,214 11,957,870 23,493 5,721,424 5,113,970 6,128,014 37,719 70,091 70,299 5,576 13,500 31,722,890 32,545,738 34,154,167 1300 Vocational Education 566,408 579,256 360,239 381,201 396,842 11,698 10,000 670 2,900 5,306,561 5,217,312 5,269,465 47,144 57,244 58,144 125 1,000 6,292,845 6,248,913 6,317,607

20 17 - 18 Actual 18 - 19 Budget 19 - 20 Budget
1400 Other Instr. Programs 100 Salaries 62,601 93,967 200 Benefits 34,584 79,604 68,042 300 Purch Prof & Tech Srvs 87,653 115,254 47,172 400 Purch Property Srvs 500 Other Purchased Srvs 686,027 649,446 594,547 600 Supplies 6,377 6,950 700 Property 800 Other Objects 877,242 945,221 810,678 1500 Non Public Programs 60,309 45,000 60,709 1800 Pre-Kindergarten 1,693 1,900 787,915 787,600 892 1,000 790,500

21 17 - 18 Actual 18 - 19 Budget 19 - 20 Budget
2100 Pupil Personnel 100 Salaries 2,533,145 2,707,855 2,724,415 200 Benefits 1,611,099 1,773,398 1,851,993 300 Purch Prof & Tech Srvs 41,100 77,800 74,500 400 Purch Property Srvs 3,858 500 Other Purchased Srvs 4,246 13,200 13,100 600 Supplies 43,507 66,216 67,216 700 Property 800 Other Objects 555 4,237,510 4,638,869 4,731,624 2200 Instructional Staff 2,086,251 2,152,128 2,176,730 1,463,911 1,415,604 1,482,710 269,031 202,916 81,916 120,564 116,963 118,063 17,172 37,598 34,125 196,197 366,653 371,314 1,455 278,936 329,936 5,000 4,154,681 4,575,798 4,599,793 2300 Administration 2,963,188 3,075,302 3,169,439 1,884,610 2,037,038 2,166,192 686,493 568,300 586,500 6,600 41,978 173,431 173,532 40,889 65,725 67,071 15,000 10,000 30,760 27,350 27,303 5,647,918 5,968,746 6,206,637

22 17 - 18 Actual 18 - 19 Budget 19 - 20 Budget
2400 Pupil Health 100 Salaries 787,745 810,483 806,307 200 Benefits 536,220 533,308 550,272 300 Purch Prof & Tech Srvs 25,334 77,583 67,379 400 Purch Property Srvs 658 4,800 500 Other Purchased Srvs 1,277 3,635 3,835 600 Supplies 31,584 42,397 42,897 700 Property 190 3,000 800 Other Objects 130 1,383,138 1,475,336 1,478,620 2500 Business 660,779 676,764 672,524 420,260 443,354 457,012 8,300 99,333 117,411 104,810 17,332 23,135 20,050 8,863 4,750 4,300 1,591 525 1,775 1,216,458 1,265,939 1,260,471 2600 Operations 3,196,656 3,220,153 3,299,406 2,033,097 2,112,837 2,244,466 8,471 43,400 58,400 1,196,921 1,548,500 1,564,500 489,250 369,380 349,880 589,668 837,500 842,500 15,075 11,132 10,440 7,540,270 8,142,211 8,369,592

23 17 - 18 Actual 18 - 19 Budget 19 - 20 Budget
2700 Student Transportation 100 Salaries 1,185,605 1,120,330 1,170,378 200 Benefits 768,464 529,561 561,620 300 Purch Prof & Tech Srvs 549,750 580,000 400 Purch Property Srvs 489,513 521,000 418,800 500 Other Purchased Srvs 4,187,339 4,561,604 4,343,468 600 Supplies 338,949 390,250 474,214 700 Property 800 Other Objects 375 7,519,620 7,703,120 7,548,855 2800 Support Services - Central 293,334 314,488 312,515 268,287 217,903 222,425 106,155 127,200 124,200 1,000 4,298 19,000 200,803 245,802 230,802 674 1,359 873,551 926,752 911,301 2900 Other Support Services 64,176 33,000 65,000

24 17 - 18 Actual 18 - 19 Budget 19 - 20 Budget
3200 Student Activities 100 Salaries 533,523 553,096 562,522 200 Benefits 214,991 240,448 246,727 300 Purch Prof & Tech Srvs 109,601 140,793 142,803 400 Purch Property Srvs 29,583 41,900 43,400 500 Other Purchased Srvs 22,113 27,100 50,100 600 Supplies 103,235 150,358 138,852 700 Property 16,164 11,381 16,624 800 Other Objects 34,320 46,420 52,525 1,063,530 1,211,496 1,253,552 3300 Community Services 764 110,994 115,500 11,526 24,411 123,284 140,411 5100 Debt Service 6,901,912 6,820,181 6,663,918 900 Other Uses of Funds 3,007,936 3,633,633 3,765,503 9,909,848 10,453,814 10,429,421 5900 Budgetary Reserve 150,000


26 Year to Year: Revenues 2018-2019 FINAL BUDGET TOTAL REVENUES

27 2019-2020 Revenue Changes Local revenues: State revenues:
Slight increase in assessment to date Increase in investment rates State revenues: Governor’s budget included increases in the Basic Education Subsidy and Special Education Funding. Pre-K funding anticipating increase No reductions noted in state funding to the District

28 2019-2020 Revenue Changes Federal Revenues:
Continue to remain flat from year to year

29 Revenues by Source: Historical

30 Local Revenues 2015-2016 Actual 2016-2017 Actual 2018-2019 Budget
Current Real Estate Taxes $ 79,702,359 $ 82,441,749 $ 83,264,880 $ 83,571,866 Public Utility Realty Taxes 89,822 86,523 86,000 89,000 Current Act 511 Taxes - Flat Rate Assessments 34,987 Payments in Lieu of Taxes 83,764 97,886 85,000 90,000 Current Act 511 Taxes - Proportional Assessments 89,529 92,523 73,243 79,000 Delinquencies on Taxes Levied 1,085,733 1,286,711 1,000,000 1,100,000 Earnings on Investments 540,942 575,497 550,000 554,000 Revenues from District Activities 5,163,930 4,556,375 4,326,000 Revenues from Intermediary Sources - Pass Through 224,144 623,485 406,773 650,000 Rentals 25,508 45,196 25,644 Contributions and Donations 1,595,307 2,017,510 1,513,991 1,409,749 Tuition from Patrons 74,469 133,979 37,555 Community Service Activities 160,501 198,629 Refunds and other Misc. Revenue 253,719 200,336 277,225 292,225 Energy Incentive Rebates 35,230 17,218 30,000 40,000 $ 89,214,829 $ 92,768,171 $ 91,764,884 $ 92,364,667

31 State Revenues 2016-2017 Actual 2017-2018 Actual 2018-2019 Budget
Basic Ed Subsidy $ 20,522,888 $ 20,921,217 $ 21,248,902 $ 21,567,636 Tuition for Orphans & Private Home Placements 111,699 95,951 95,000 125,000 Special Ed Funding 4,802,257 4,925,729 4,896,888 4,921,372 Pre K Counts 792,665 790,500 832,298 750,000 Transportation 1,930,857 2,051,315 1,834,314 1,855,000 Rental & Sinking Fund Payments 108,614 2,060,890 Health Services 131,450 131,679 126,982 State Property Reduction Allocation 3,391,128 3,390,909 3,390,935 Tutoring 17,784 Accountability Block Grant 1,029,712 Social Security 2,117,681 2,026,914 2,082,264 2,090,979 Retirement 8,235,095 9,168,443 9,099,357 9,372,505 $ 43,191,830 $ 46,593,258 $ 45,386,652 $ 45,978,139

32 Federal Revenues Other Financing Sources 2016-2017 Actual
Budget Budget Title I $ 1,768,388 $ 1,758,617 $ 1,683,429 $ 1,600,000 Title II 324,901 263,615 264,792 260,000 Title III 48,338 56,378 58,246 50,000 Title IV 26,372 114,201 75,000 21st Century Grant Restricted Federal Grants 19,158 5,091 Medical Access 421,913 405,842 350,000 $ 2,582,698 $ 2,515,914 $2,470,668 $ 2,335,000 Other Financing Sources Other Extended Term Financing $ 358,167 $ 488,410 $ 0 358,167 488,410 TOTAL REVENUES $ 135,347,524 $ 142,365,754 $139,622,204 $140,677,806

33 Historical Assessment Changes

34 Revenues: Interest Income

35 Bucks Countywide: Tax Rates
School District Real Estate Mills Median Assessment Median Tax Bill Bensalem Township SD 22,595 3,597 Bristol Borough SD 16,400 2,526 Bristol Township SD 17,600 3,874 Centennial SD 26,400 3,723 Central Bucks SD 37,480 4,651 Council Rock SD 38,880 4,806 Morrisville Borough SD 18,400 3,805 Neshaminy SD 27,200 4,338 New Hope-Solebury SD 54,040 5,406 Palisades SD 34,280 3,918 Pennridge SD 30,880 4,177 Pennsbury SD 28,000 4,691 Quakertown Community SD 25,790 4,240

36 Bucks Countywide: Average Tax Bill

37 Bucks Countywide: Instructional Expenses
Total Instructional Expenditures Total Expenditures School District Enrollment Per Pupil Rank Central Bucks SD 18,257 179,969,021.62 9,857.54 1 $324,142,609.91 17,754.43 Pennridge SD 7,158 78,348,269.00 10,945.55 2 $134,032,414.00 18,724.84 Centennial SD 5,496 67,082,594.72 12,205.71 3 $114,742,172.37 20,877.40 Quakertown SD 5,163 63,534,336.96 12,305.70 4 $104,153,489.26 20,173.06 Pennsbury SD 10,035 125,442,334.02 12,500.48 5 $204,511,562.51 20,379.83 Bristol Borough SD 1,263 16,258,804.22 12,873.16 6 $23,669,961.95 18,741.06 Neshaminy SD 8,783 113,787,542.45 12,955.43 7 $174,898,609.63 19,913.31 Council Rock SD 10,989 144,008,558.14 13,104.79 8 $226,944,664.58 20,651.99 Bristol Township SD 6,420 86,978,301.09 13,548.02 9 $131,199,397.89 20,436.04 Bensalem Township SD 6,431 95,826,015.33 14,900.64 10 $148,203,622.68 23,045.19 New Hope-Solebury SD 1,432 21,529,977.85 15,034.90 11 $38,785,105.00 27,084.57 Palisades SD 1,526 23,584,261.29 15,454.95 12 $42,027,509.36 27,540.96 Morrisville Borough SD 846 13,852,695.00 16,374.34 13 $20,600,464.00 24,350.43 Average 6,446 79,246,362 13,235 129,839,353 21,513

38 Revenue Notes Preliminary budget does not include a tax increase
Act 1 Index for is 3.0% and would be equal to 6.60 mills Increasing real estate tax millage by 3.0% would generate approximately $2.2M in revenue Average tax bill would increase by $116 if taxes are increased by the Act 1 Index

39 General Fund Summary Total Estimated Revenues $ 140,677,806
$ ,677,806 Total Estimated Expenditures 143,872,700 Surplus / (Shortage) (3,194,894) Act 1 Property Tax Index - 3.0% 2,591,108 Surplus / (Shortage) with Tax Increase (603,786) Total Projected General Fund Balance as of 06/30/19 20,830,795 Projected Reserves with Tax Increase 20,227,009 Projected Reserves without Tax Increase 17,635,901

40 Not Included in the Budget
Proceeds from the sale of vacant elementary schools (if sold) Effects of unsettled contracts Savings from using non-District staff Pending R/E Tax settlements

41 Future Budget Meetings
April 2, 2019: Discussion of Curriculum, Athletics & Special Education budgets April 30, 2019: Discussion of Federal Programs, Operations, Information Technology & Transportation budgets June 18, 2019 Final Budget Meeting/Workshop


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