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Aim of the evening Which subjects would be suitable for your child to study at level 2 (GCSE and equivalent) Speak to staff about the courses and what.

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Presentation on theme: "Aim of the evening Which subjects would be suitable for your child to study at level 2 (GCSE and equivalent) Speak to staff about the courses and what."— Presentation transcript:


2 Aim of the evening Which subjects would be suitable for your child to study at level 2 (GCSE and equivalent) Speak to staff about the courses and what they entail Visit the teachers for those subjects that you are interested in


4 The Process Options process introduced to pupils 28/02/19
Year 8 Parents and options evening 14/03/19 Options taster week 18/03/19 Deadline for options choices 22/03/19 Options meetings week beginning 25/03/19

5 Welcome



8 Number of examination papers to sit.
Subject Number of examination papers to sit. English 3 x 1hr 45 mins 1 x 2 hr 15 mins Maths 3 x 1hr 30 mins Science 6 x 1hr 15 or 1hr 45 mins

9 8 The ‘Core’ Subjects 2 others
The core subjects are the subjects everyone must do. Maths GCSE English GCSEs Science or 3 GCSEs Geography, History or French 1 GCSE PE No Qualification PHSE 8 2 others

10 English Baccalaureate Subjects
EBACC English Baccalaureate Subjects English Maths Science Humanities and Language

11 GCSE Vs Technical Award & BTECs

12 Reminder - New Grading Old GCSE grades New GCSE grades
Vocational courses A* 9 8 7 Distinction A B 6 5 4 Merit Pass C D 3 2 1 Level 1 Pass E F G


14 Things to note.. Pupils cannot pick both Drama and Dance
Only set 1 and 2 pupils can choose the Separate Sciences To choose Computer Science you must be on track to achieve grade 5s and 6s in maths Pupils cannot choose both Art and Photography There are only 12 places available on the Hair and Beauty qualification


16 Options Online Goes live Friday 15th March 9am
Pupils will be registering onto the website on Monday during form time. They will use their normal school username to access the site The pupils will need to log in to make their choices by Friday 22nd March Parents will need to login to the website using their parent app details to confirm the students choices


18 Screen shot of the options page….

19 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 University choices Options College

20 Help and advice Careers advisor (Joan Courtney) in school available for support and guidance. Speak to teachers College providers in school this evening - Leigh College - Saint John Rigby College - Bolton Sixth Form College

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