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IT Forum November 18, 2010. Background Benefits & Timeline Microsoft Demo Q & A.

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Presentation on theme: "IT Forum November 18, 2010. Background Benefits & Timeline Microsoft Demo Q & A."— Presentation transcript:

1 IT Forum November 18, 2010

2 Background Benefits & Timeline Microsoft Live@edu Demo Q & A

3 Why cloud email and calendar services? Less expensive by 50% Better performance and reliability More features behind-the-scenes and for end-users communications, collaboration, office productivity tools are standard and integrated How did we decide? 2008 division team research & calendar team 2009 watchful waiting by PIR management 2010 decision to go with Microsoft for students, faculty and staff

4 Division Team Key Findings (2008) Google Apps or Microsoft Exchange both technically viable Need to do entire campus population to get financial benefit Should wait for Identity & Access Management to be in place Information shared with University Senates

5 Watchful Waiting (2009) Monitored professional literature, list serves, meetings Educause Gartner, Inc. Chronicle IT Leadership Board AJCU CITM Identity & Access Management Phase 1 Plans and funding in place

6 Why Microsoft? (2010) Provides an enterprise-level solution addressing needs of students, faculty, and administration Integrates with existing systems and software tools used by IT and campus community Robust feature set – calendar, mobile use important factors in decision Concerns about privacy issues with Google Google is an advertising based model Microsoft email/file storage can remain in U.S. jurisdiction

7 Do campus members have other options? Students can continue to forward University email account to their own preferred email provider Faculty can forward University email, files, etc to an alternate provider, except content that is covered by FERPA regulations Staff should not be using electronic services other than those authorized by the University to conduct University business

8 Features & Benefits Challenges & Considerations Project Timeline

9 Your email address will not change! Integrated email and calendar Outlook Web Access (OWA) and Outlook Client 10 GB email storage space (Currently 200mg w/ Thunderbird - RoyalMail) Upload attachments of up to 20mb Support for Windows, Macintosh, Linux and Mobile

10 Common Directory for faculty, staff and students Mobility enhancements – remote device wipe, calendar text alerts, and more Live Chat

11 SkyDrive 25 GB cloud storage Lite versions of Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and OneNote Available via web browsers

12 Live@edu is based upon MS Exchange 2010 Product Roadmap Migration to Office 365 in late 2011 Next Generation Cloud Productivity Office Professional Plus, Exchange Online, Sharepoint Online, and Lync OnLine Cloud Based Storage, Communication and Collaboration Services

13 First major cloud service Contract, Secure Communications, Accounts & Credentials Conversion of existing email Server Local Account Provisioning

14 Email Archiving What to archive, how and where Contacts & Address books Shared accounts ( Shared Calendar Resources Events, conference room schedules, etc. Listservs, RoyalLists, Bboard

15 Mobile Device Support Support for Windows, iPhone, Droid Blackberry Legacy devices Calendar Migration (not likely) Training Conversion strategy

16 IR Divisional Project Jim Franceschelli (project manager) Diane Jachimowicz Chris Krall Lee DeAngelis Lisa Cornell Lorraine Mancuso Extended Team: Elisa Cosner Eve Walsh Karen Kuzmak Karyn Salitsky Linda Scherer Additional membership…..

17 September 2010 Project Team Test Accounts Testing, Features, Customizations, Challenges November 2010 Campus Announcements December 2010 Test Accounts, Document Features, Default Settings, Address Considerations & Concerns

18 January 2011 P/IR Divisional Accounts Account Provisioning (ties to IDAM Account & Access) Develop Documentation & Communications February 2011 Campus Communications Develop Training Content and Schedules March 2011 Campus Communications Live@edu training

19 April – June 2011 Live@edu training Email conversion underway June 2011 Student Accounts Converted Email Conversion Complete July 2011 Current email servers decommissioned Thunderbird removal Winter 2011 Live@EDU will become Office365

20 Outlook (full client) Email, Calendar, Contacts Outlook Web Access (OAW) Email, Calendar, Chat Skydrive Storage Lite versions of Word, Excel, Powerpoint & Onenote

21 Q & A ???

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