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O365 Bookings Scheduling: online & mobile

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2 O365 Bookings Scheduling: online & mobile
Geared toward small businesses Allows students/clients to schedule a service/reservation with one or more faculty/staff members

3 Setup Bookings Business information Services Staff Customer
Booking Page Calendar

4 Use Case: SIM LAB Four different majors (different class sections)
4-5 students per cohort 30 minute cycles students 2-3 days

5 Bookings Data Clean up Duplicate Reservations
Date/time format (print for Registration Desk attendee) Data updates (cancellations, rescheduling)

6 Argos Data Combine first, last name
Match and name to Bookings array Sum total registered Filter by instructor

7 Outcomes 80-120 students scheduled 2-3 days 30-minute sessions
4-5 students per group Interdisciplinary cohorts

8 Summary Kudos Scheduling “Office Hours”
Coordinating staff advising 1-1 meetings with students Music/Art/Dance lessons Studio/Conference room space reservation Wishlist Calendar data customization Allow multiple “Services” per unique

9 Conclusion Thank you: Claire Waterbury & ATS group Deb Thayer
Contact: Thank you: Claire Waterbury & ATS group Deb Thayer Heather Daly


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