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Introduction to Therapeutic Storywriting Groups

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Therapeutic Storywriting Groups"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Therapeutic Storywriting Groups
Presented by Strands: theory; relating to practice through to practice; parallel process training Overview of 3 days – sheet Name Role Feeling words Experience of working therapeutically with story What you hope to get from this 3-day training

2 Therapeutic Storywriting Groups
10 week intervention for groups of 6 pupils to support emotional, social and mental wellbeing Uses story metaphor to process difficult emotions Improves writing skills, emotional resilience and social skills Suitable for pupils aged years

3 Video: Therapeutic Storywriting Groups
Video of Therapeutic Storywriting Groups (TSW) in Tottenham schools on home page of online training manual: Delivered by Centre for Therapeutic Storywriting in partnership with YoungMInds Draw attention to the fact that the video was made during the YM project which has now finished. Show the group how the video can be accessed from the training website

4 Therapeutic Storywriting Groups: Training
Target group: SENCOs + SEN teachers, HLTAs, Learning Mentors or School counsellors supporting pupils with BESDs at KS 2 & 3 Mode of delivery: 3-day training direct to professionals implementing intervention Online training manual: all participants are given a login for the online training manual that supports the 3- day training

5 Research: Therapeutic Storywriting Groups
SERSEN (2004) evaluation: Enabled pupils to use the medium of story writing to process difficult feelings Helped pupils develop co-operative and trusting relationships with peers Increased pupils motivation to engage with writing Hampshire EPS Evaluation (2013) Significantly improved in terms of their NC levels in both reading and writing Significantly improved in terms of hyperactivity, peer problems and total score on the Goodman’s SDQ.

6 Research (2)
Harris, L (2013) : Therapeutic Storywriting enhances resilience and emotional and behavioural adjustment. Significant increase in the emotional vocabulary Increase in sense of belonging Maclean, G (2013): TSW groups reduces symptoms of stress, depression and anxiety Increase in academic attainment compared to a control group

7 Therapeutic Storywriting Groups
Pupils’ comments: Therapeutic Storywriting Groups The group helped me to release my anger in small portions. Now it goes into my pencil and into stories. I can make a story around how I feel. I feel I can write my own story - it’s just me and the paper. (Mike Y5) I think it’s really fun and relaxing because we can- like if we’ve had some problems or if we’re just not in a good mood -we can come here and relax and we’ll concentrate easily’. (Yasmin Y6)

8 Further information, research and resources
Centre for Therapeutic Storywriting: Online training manuals:

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