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Every School ~ Every Student ~ Every Day

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2 Every School ~ Every Student ~ Every Day
Interventions Accelerations Interest level courses and lessons Student voice - course offerings, programs, feedback on instruction, grading, learning styles, independent studies, dual enrollment, etc. Student supports - alternative and special education Meeting students where they are in their education Listening to student and community needs Strong CTE program Innovative use of technology Meeting students social and emotional needs

3 Culture & Safety Social Workers / Counselors Nurses
JMG Expansion to MMS Class Size Adequate Support Staff Mental Health Training for Staff Provide Electives / Choice Academic Interventions Fire and Lockdown Drills Improved Emergency Plans Where students enter the buildings / Traffic Flow / Portable Classrooms How we work with Resource Officers / First Responders Cameras Buzz in System Attendance Data Privacy

4 Academic Goals….. 1. Increase the attendance rate at all school’s at RSU 18 - It is essential for students to consistently access their educational programming, including direct instruction as well as any targeted interventions 2. Increase family and community engagement by offering more student led and student involved activities. Typically, activities will involve opportunities for families and the community at-large to learn more of what we do.

5 Academic Goals…. 3. Increase the number of research-based strategies in our Response to Intervention (RTI) process across all disciplines for consistency within RSU 18. 4. Continue our increase in assessment scores in Reading, Writing, Math, and Science data. Our goal is to also keep our ambitions consistent on the Literacy and Mathematics portions of the NWEA (local assessment), Developmental Reading Assessment, and additional data points at the High School which should have a positive effect on student learning and State assessments. These are all a result of goals 1-3 as well.

6 Facilities - Energy Performance Upgrades
lighting upgrades building envelope work, roof repairs heating upgrades and controls unit ventilators, air handling units, etc. boilers, piping and insulation windows replacement 2.9 MM under contract with Honeywell Corporation Approximately 1.8 MM in additional energy performance work done, scheduled or to be scheduled

7 Facilities - MHS Athletic Complex
Majority of the athletic complex is complete Spring athletic teams will use the facility Still to be done: Touch up paving that was not able to be completed in the fall Finish work on the storage buildings Additional layers on the track and striping of the track

8 Capital Improvements Nutrition - Upgrades to all kitchens
Dishwashers, ovens, refrigeration, small equipment, etc. Fire Marshal Repairs - 80% of this work done. Most of the remaining work being scheduled for the summer. Other Facilities Upgrades - Done / Scheduled / To be done Brick work, windows, roofs, heating, etc




12 Article FY 20 FY 19 $ Change % Change % RSU 18 % State I - Regular Instruction $16,919,692.20 $16,526,479.47 $393,212.73 2.38% 43.68% 40.10% II – Special Education $5,375,489.80 $5,005,368.23 $370,121.57 7.39% 13.88% 16.73% III – CTE $5,000.00 $6,000.00 $(1,000.00) (16.67)% 0.01% 2.0% IV – Other Instruction $732,193.27 $750,365.02 $(16,632.75) (2.22)% 1.89% 2.24% V – Instructional Support $4,399,126.10 $4,287,837.83 $111,288.27 2.60% 11.36% 8.33% VI – System Admin $848,020.38 $842,764.69 $5,255.69 0.62% 2.19% 3.20% VII – Building Admin $1,972,437.37 $1,933,014.50 $39,422.87 2.04% 5.09% 5.25% VIII - Transportation $2,454,713.61 $2,267,488.31 $187,255.30 8.26% 6.34% 5.44% IX - Facilities $5,053,655.13 $4,986,196.71 $67,458.42 1.35% 13.05% 10.95% X – Debt Service $849,600.00 $849,875.38 $(275.38) (0.03)% 5.30% XI - Other $125,000.00 $0.00 0.00% 0.32% 0.46% Total $38,734,927.86 $37,580,390.14 $1,154,537.72 3.07% 100%

13 FY 20 FY 19 $ Increase Total FY 20 Budget $38,734,927.86
$37,580,390.14 $1,154,537.72 Salaries and Benefits Teachers, Techs, Admin Support staff, Subs, Stipends Health & Dental, SS/Med, MSRS Course Reimbursement Unemployment, Workers Comp $29,012,699.39 $28,199,855.92 $812,843.47 Remaining Budget $9,722,228.47 $9,380,534.22 $341,694.25

14 RSU 18 per pupil spending is reasonable (low for Central Maine)
Money being spent where it should be Taking care of students is our priority RSU 18 students are getting an excellent education Many extra / and co curricular offered We are all proud of this district

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