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Age and Assumptions Gina Bower NCALL

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Presentation on theme: "Age and Assumptions Gina Bower NCALL"— Presentation transcript:

1 Age and Assumptions Gina Bower NCALL
Take this opportunity to introduce yourself, any other trainers or the new section if this is part of a longer training event.  Gina Bower NCALL

2 Scripted Role Play One volunteer to play older adult (non speaking role) Four volunteers to read short scripted statements

3 Scenario Mabel, 72-year-old woman has come to an emergency domestic violence shelter.  Scene 1: Four staff members talking among themselves Scene 2: Four staff talking to Mabel

4 Key Messages Ageist assumptions and messages are perpetuated throughout society Learn factors unique to older adults that may impact services Treat victims across the lifespan with respect and dignity

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