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2 4 types of plants

3 We need to take in…. To live
Structure We need to take in…. To live Plants do too!! Take in ________________ and make ____________.

4 Transportation of sugars made in PS From chloroplast to storage site
PHLOEM XYLEM H20 transport From roots to leaves Transpiration Transportation of sugars made in PS From chloroplast to storage site Translocation

5 PLANT organs Roots, stems and leaves

6 Only in flowering plants Male and Female parts…
Reproductive organs Only in flowering plants Male and Female parts…

7 Seed coat, cotyledon, endosperm, embryo
Seed anatomy Seed coat, cotyledon, endosperm, embryo

8 Alternation of generations
Sporophyte Gametophyte Produces spores 2N (diploid) When spores land they grow into GAMETOPHYTE generation Produces gametes 1 N (haploid) When gametes fertilize they will grow into mature SPOROPHYTE generation

9 Label spore, young gametophyte, mature sporophyte, new sporophyte
A closer look Label spore, young gametophyte, mature sporophyte, new sporophyte

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