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Reducing Holiday Stress & Enjoying a Debt Free December

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Presentation on theme: "Reducing Holiday Stress & Enjoying a Debt Free December"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reducing Holiday Stress & Enjoying a Debt Free December
Heather Greenwood Extension Agent Virginia Cooperative Extension

2 Holidays are about... Family Friends Tradition Habits Peace/Joy

3 Sources of Stress Inability to fulfill perceived obligations
Economic strains Change in routine Emotional problems Actions conflicting with values

4 Common holiday stresses
Overspending Overeating Unrealistic expectations Giving the perfect gift Traditions/habits (the way mom/dad did it) Commercialism Distance from family

5 Reducing Overspending Stress
Plan gift giving Track expenses - stay within prescribed spending limits Restructure traditions SIMPLIFY

6 Overspending Plan gift giving, track expenses Use cash, not credit
Exchange with friends at New Years Give coupons Honesty - explain hard times, change gift giving habits Audio/video tapes Family holiday nights

7 Creative and practical gifts
Car emergency kits College student cleaning kits First aid kits Paper kits Baking kits School kit Family calendar Movie night basket

8 Reducing Holiday Stress
Prioritize Delegate (potluck, share set up/clean up) Stay healthy (eat, sleep, exercise) Give time Redefine family Accept feelings of sadness

9 Weight Management Develop a social support system
Avoid cooking where possible Bake foods that discourage nibbling Focus on conversation rather than food Walk after meals

10 Uncovering Holiday Myths
No money = no fun The holidays are a perfect time for perfect families Conflicts can be put aside Holidays are a time of complete joy

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