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Republicans take America while Communist take Russia

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1 Republicans take America while Communist take Russia
Chapter 21 Sec 1

2 Topics Communists Republicans

3 The Red Scare (Recap) During WWI the Czar Nicholas II is overthrown and Vladimir Lenin and his communists take power. Lenin’s follower began to be called Reds.

4 Goodbye Russia hello Soviet Union.
The Red’s lead by Lenin wanted to spread communism to other countries. American’s feared communism would spread to the U.S.

5 In the U.S Republicans take back the White House
After Woodrow Wilson the democrats lost to Republican Warren Harding. Harding promises a return to “normalcy” Harding did not want war but feared the spread of communism.

6 American Icon: Warren Harding
Harding supported isolationism where the U.S avoided involvement with outside nations. Supported high tariffs. Pushed disarmament where nations agreed to limit their militaries. Put a quota (limit) on immigration.

7 The Teapot Dome Scandal
President Harding's cabinet took bribes from major companies and stolen funds. While the President was never connected it put great pressure on him. Two of his members killed themselves. Harding died on Aug 2, 1923

8 Labor Strikes A wave of new strikes grew fear of the communists. Many believed strikes were provoked by communists. Strikes more than tripled in the U.S! Boston Police Strike left chaos in the streets and each officer was fired. Steel and Coal Strikes turned violent when strike busters were brought in.

9 American Icon: Calvin Coolidge
Took over as President when President Harding died. Laid back President who supported Lassie Fair policies. Popular President that decided not to run for reelection.

10 Coolidge to Cool for Washington
Even though he would of probably won Coolidge decides not to run again. Republicans support Herbert Hoover who wins while supporting prohibition.

11 Calvin Coolidge Warren Harding Herbert Hoover

12 Class Assignment A Republican Decade
Read Chapter 21 Section 1 “A Republican Decade” on page 712 Write down each bolded word and write a definition next to it. Answer Questions 1-3 on page 721 Summarize Republican’s strategy for running the country in the1920’s. Answer whether or not they were successful.

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