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ITU-T Study Group 4 Telecommunication Management, including TMN

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1 ITU-T Study Group 4 Telecommunication Management, including TMN
David J. Sidor

2 Contents Terms of reference Management Team SG Organization Statistics
Highlights of achievements / Projects / FGs Future work

3 Terms of Reference Responsible for studies regarding the management of telecommunication services, networks, and equipment using the telecommunication management network (TMN) framework. Additionally responsible for other telecommunication management studies relating to designations, transport-related operations procedures, and test and measurement techniques and instrumentation. Lead SG for TMN

4 Management Team Chair David Sidor (USA) Vice-Chairs: Dmitry Cherkesov
(Russia) Nobuo Fujii (Japan) Qi Feng (China) WP Chairs: Peter Huckett (until 1/03) (UK) Leen Mak (acting) (Germany) Geoffrey Caryer Lakshmi Raman (until 11/03) TSB Young-Han Choe COUNTRY: should be the letter acronym, e.g. USA, I (for Italy), J (Japan), etc, as used in the ITU list of participants Delete UNUSED rows in the PowerPoint table

5 Study Group Structure WP1 Designations, peformance, and test equipment
WP2 Common telecommunication management capabilities WP3 Telecommunication management information models and protocols TMN project management team Telecommunication management collaboration focus groups for Enhanced Telecom Operations Map (eTOM) Human Machine Interaces (HMI)

6 Statistics 6 SG meetings held
47 Rapporteurs and Focus Group meetings held 186 contributions received Max/Min/Average SG participants : 98/66/81 101 New/Revised Recommendations and associated documents approved 19 Questions assigned by WTSA-2000 11 New or revised Questions during study period 12 Questions proposed for next period

7 Highlights of achievements (I)
Continued the evolution of TMN into a multi-paradigm framework based on market-supported IT and IP-based technologies including the creation of a TMN CORBA framework (Q.816, X.780) the definition of a XML dialect known as tML (Telecommunication Markup Language) (M.3030), the introduction of SNMP (Q.811/Q812).

8 Highlights of achievements (II)
Continued to emphasize the definition of management information regardless of the underlying technology, including the adoption of protocol-neutral information modelling as SG 4 policy and the creation of a version of the TMN generic network information model based on CORBA (M.3120)

9 Highlights of achievements (III)
Initiated activities to address the management of Next Generation Networks and the transition to NGN, including a framework for the management of mixed circuit/packet-switched networks (M.3017) and the specification of performance objectives and procedures for provisioning and maintenance of IP-based networks (M.2301).

10 Highlights of achievements (IV)
Adopted a new set of M.1400-based designation definitions and guided their introduction into the industry. Refined and expanded the set of measuring equipment specifications, including support for jitter measurements for the Optical Transport Network (Q.173).

11 Highlights of achievements (V)
Established partnerships and collaborative activities with other standards organizations to achieve SG 4 goals Currently developing a plan for NGN management interfaces with seven organizations: TISPAN, ATIS, 3GPP, 3GPP2, TMF, IETF, and SG 15.

12 Telecommunication Management Collaboration
Following a collaboration agreement between the ITU-T and the TeleManagement Forum, two focus groups were established: For eTOM: transformed the TMF telecommunication management business processes into the M.3050 series For HMI: currently working to transform the TMF human machine interface specifications into ITU-T Recommendations

13 Future Work Identify and/or specify NGN management interfaces in collaboration with other organizations Continue a "technology watch" to support management needs Develop a set of basic protocol-neutral management information models Serve as Lead SG for telecommunication management and OAM

14 Acknowledgements To all those SG 4 leaders and editors that contributed so much of their time and effort, but unfortunately were unable to continue to serve due to the telecom economic downturn To all those SG 4 leaders and editors (and their sponsors) that continue to volunteer their time and effort

15 David J. Sidor David Sidor has been involved in ITU-T standardization activities since He became active in SGs 4 and 11 TMN activities in 1987 and led the generation and served as editor of various TMN Recommendations. Since 1991, he has represented Nortel Networks (USA) and served as the chairman of the ITU-T Joint Coordination Group on TMN, WP chairman, and SG 4 chairman since 1996. Under his chairmanship, SG 4 changed TMN into a multi-paradigm framework by embracing market-supported IT and IP-based technologies, realigned its mission to emphasize the definition of management information regardless of the underlying technology, initiated activities to address the management of mixed circuit/packet-switched networks and NGN, and established partnerships and collaborative activities with other standards organizations to achieve its goals.

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