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Objective - To multiply binomials mentally using FOIL.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective - To multiply binomials mentally using FOIL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective - To multiply binomials mentally using FOIL.
Lesson 4.8 Multiplying Binomials Using Foil 4:8 Multiplying Binomials Using FOIL Objective - To multiply binomials mentally using FOIL. Often the product of two binomials = Trinomial = Quadratic Term Constant Term Linear Term Takes too long! Algebra I by James Wenk © 2003 published by TEACHINGpoint as part of the Expert Systems for Teachers Series Algebra 1 by James Wenk © 2003 published by TEACHINGpoint

2 Lesson 4.8 Multiplying Binomials Using Foil
For use with the product of binomials only! First Outer Inner Last Algebra I by James Wenk © 2003 published by TEACHINGpoint as part of the Expert Systems for Teachers Series Algebra 1 by James Wenk © 2003 published by TEACHINGpoint

3 Lesson 4.8 Multiplying Binomials Using Foil
For use with the product of binomials only! First Outer Inner Last Algebra I by James Wenk © 2003 published by TEACHINGpoint as part of the Expert Systems for Teachers Series Algebra 1 by James Wenk © 2003 published by TEACHINGpoint

4 Lesson 4.8 Multiplying Binomials Using Foil
For use with the product of binomials only! Last First Outer Inner Algebra I by James Wenk © 2003 published by TEACHINGpoint as part of the Expert Systems for Teachers Series Algebra 1 by James Wenk © 2003 published by TEACHINGpoint

5 Lesson 4.8 Multiplying Binomials Using Foil
For use with the product of binomials only! Outer First Inner Last Algebra I by James Wenk © 2003 published by TEACHINGpoint as part of the Expert Systems for Teachers Series Algebra 1 by James Wenk © 2003 published by TEACHINGpoint

6 Lesson 4.8 Multiplying Binomials Using Foil
For use with the product of binomials only! Inner First Outer Last Algebra I by James Wenk © 2003 published by TEACHINGpoint as part of the Expert Systems for Teachers Series Algebra 1 by James Wenk © 2003 published by TEACHINGpoint

7 Lesson 4.8 Multiplying Binomials Using Foil
For use with the product of binomials only! First Outer Inner Last Algebra I by James Wenk © 2003 published by TEACHINGpoint as part of the Expert Systems for Teachers Series Algebra 1 by James Wenk © 2003 published by TEACHINGpoint

8 Lesson 4.8 Multiplying Binomials Using Foil
For use with the product of binomials only! Outer First Inner Last Algebra I by James Wenk © 2003 published by TEACHINGpoint as part of the Expert Systems for Teachers Series Algebra 1 by James Wenk © 2003 published by TEACHINGpoint

9 Lesson 4.8 Multiplying Binomials Using Foil
For use with the product of binomials only! Inner First Outer Last Algebra I by James Wenk © 2003 published by TEACHINGpoint as part of the Expert Systems for Teachers Series Algebra 1 by James Wenk © 2003 published by TEACHINGpoint

10 Lesson 4.8 Multiplying Binomials Using Foil
For use with the product of binomials only! Last First Outer Inner Algebra I by James Wenk © 2003 published by TEACHINGpoint as part of the Expert Systems for Teachers Series Algebra 1 by James Wenk © 2003 published by TEACHINGpoint

11 Lesson 4.8 Multiplying Binomials Using Foil
For use with the product of binomials only! First Outer Inner Last Algebra I by James Wenk © 2003 published by TEACHINGpoint as part of the Expert Systems for Teachers Series Algebra 1 by James Wenk © 2003 published by TEACHINGpoint

12 Lesson 4.8 Multiplying Binomials Using Foil
Try... First Outer Inner Last Algebra I by James Wenk © 2003 published by TEACHINGpoint as part of the Expert Systems for Teachers Series Algebra 1 by James Wenk © 2003 published by TEACHINGpoint

13 Lesson 4.8 Multiplying Binomials Using Foil
Use FOIL to multiply the binomials below. 1) 6) 2) 7) 3) 8) 4) 9) 5) 10) Algebra I by James Wenk © 2003 published by TEACHINGpoint as part of the Expert Systems for Teachers Series Algebra 1 by James Wenk © 2003 published by TEACHINGpoint

14 Lesson 4.8 Multiplying Binomials Using Foil
Use FOIL to multiply the binomials below. 11) 16) 12) 17) 13) 18) 14) 19) 15) 20) Algebra I by James Wenk © 2003 published by TEACHINGpoint as part of the Expert Systems for Teachers Series Algebra 1 by James Wenk © 2003 published by TEACHINGpoint

15 Lesson 4.8 Multiplying Binomials Using Foil
Simplify. 1) 3) 2) 4) Algebra I by James Wenk © 2003 published by TEACHINGpoint as part of the Expert Systems for Teachers Series Algebra 1 by James Wenk © 2003 published by TEACHINGpoint

16 Lesson 4.8 Multiplying Binomials Using Foil
Complete. 1) 4 7 2) 10 3 3) 6 1 Algebra I by James Wenk © 2003 published by TEACHINGpoint as part of the Expert Systems for Teachers Series Algebra 1 by James Wenk © 2003 published by TEACHINGpoint

17 Lesson 4.8 Multiplying Binomials Using Foil
Complete. 4) 8 5) 3 15 6) 7 Algebra I by James Wenk © 2003 published by TEACHINGpoint as part of the Expert Systems for Teachers Series Algebra 1 by James Wenk © 2003 published by TEACHINGpoint

18 Lesson 4.8 Multiplying Binomials Using Foil
Complete. 7) 3 8) 9) 3 5 Algebra I by James Wenk © 2003 published by TEACHINGpoint as part of the Expert Systems for Teachers Series Algebra 1 by James Wenk © 2003 published by TEACHINGpoint

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