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Presentation on theme: "CONVENTIONAL FACILITIES"— Presentation transcript:

Jess Albino – Associate Project Director for Civil Construction May 13, 2009

2 Agenda Status of Conventional Construction Far Experimental Hall Hutches LCLS Office Space Construction Safety Building Performance Turner Contract Closeout Office Space Procurement

3 Overview and Status of Conventional Construction
Turner Construction Company Physical % Complete = ~99 Financial % Complete = 94(release of retention pending) Trades = 93% CM/GC Fee = 96% Estimate-at-Completion = $94.5M All Work Completion Conventional Facilities (staff + self-managed construction) Physical % Complete = ~92 Financial % Complete = 90 Work Remaining ~$11M Office Space - $6.4M Far Experimental Hall Hutch Construction - $4.2M Far Experimental Hall Electrical Substation Installation - $415K WBS 1.9 Conventional Facilities EAC =$143.6M

4 Far Experimental Hall Hutches

5 FEH Floor Plan Hutch 4 – XCS Hutch 5 – CXI Hutch 6 - MEC
Existing Access Tunnel Hutch 6 - MEC As the project is nearing the end of Major construction activities this presentation will provide an overview of our Construction Safety performance and lessons learned. The presentation then address the safety of Technical Systems installation. The presentation will close with plans leading to Operations. Existing Restrooms Existing X-Ray Tunnel


7 LCLS Office Space Baseline 13,250 SF
Building 028 Conversion to Office Space Baseline 13,250 SF Optional 6750 SF

8 Building 751 Conversion to Office Space (1st Floor) 4,800 SF
LCLS Office Space Building 751 Conversion to Office Space (1st Floor) 4,800 SF Cubicles Hard-wall Offices


10 A/E Design Complete June 1, 2009 Award/NTP Construction July 29, 2009
Office Space Schedule A/E Design Complete June 1, 2009 Award/NTP Construction July 29, 2009 Construction Complete March 26, 2010

11 CF & Technical Systems Stewardship
Construction Safety CF & Technical Systems Stewardship Excellent Safety Record 120K+ hours w/o injury (TRC or DART) S20, MMF, Injector, Linac, S522, LTU Project Managers / UTRs / Installation Managers Direct management of subcontractors Communicate ES&H Expectations Guide them to success Enforcement when needed Thorough Work Planning and Control Aggressive ISM management Issues identified and addressed immediately Positive Results Ownership of safety Our challenge to ourselves is to maintain Zero!

12 CF CMGC Stewardship – Lessons Learned
October ’06 thru April ’07 Ramp Up to Full Production : Procedural Violations Stand Down of Construction Activities : All Hands Meeting Review of Work Planning Process for field work – JSA process inadequate PMT changes Deficiency Notices May ’07 thru November ’07 Full Production : DARTs Multi-day Stand Down of Construction Activities : Corrective Action Plan Paperwork ineffectively utilized by CM/GC and trade contractors Deficiency Notices & Fines Communication with Corporate TCCo Safety Stewardship Committee Established Full time on-site medic (+30hr OSHA) UTRs added December ’07 thru April ’08 : Some progress, then… Two DARTs associated with one sub PM removed Work stopped May ’08 thru December ’08 : No DARTs Effective work planning & execution sought Plan for joint observation developed Attendance at daily morning work planning meetings JSA review with workers throughout the day Identification / monitoring of specific trades or tasks for safe work practices

13 Specified Temperature 68°F±0.6°
Building Performance Undulator Hall Temperature Stability Specified Temperature 68°F±0.6°

14 Turner Contract Closeout
Notice of Substantial Completion 11/17/2008 Physical Completion 4/24/2009 Remaining Activities Redline mark-ups sent to Jacobs for Record Drawings 23 of 26 trade subcontracts require closeout binders Turner has returned San Jose Offices No final retention amounts have been released Townsend Audit – Phase II (audit of Western Maintenance T&M subcontract, etc.)

15 Office Space Procurement
Baseline Office Space Plan Title II design for B028 and B751 underway. RFP in June and Notice to Proceed in July. Construction complete March, 2010 Preliminary Estimate: $6.4M Construction Contract B028: $3.8M Duration: 170 wd B071: $1.4M Duration: 120 wd Engineering Design & Indirects: $1.2M Alternative (not in baseline) New building at Near Experimental Hall Guaranteed Maximum Price Contract Construction to complete end of April, 2010 Contract completion 1 Quarter prior to CD-4

16 end of presentation The project has Integrated Safety into the Management of the LCLS Project


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